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中文摘要 本研究試圖建構一個影響中高齡志工服務滿意度的解釋模型,以法規認知、服務期待、組織期待、工作期待為自變項,服務滿意度為依變項,透過結構方程模型進行資料分析。研究對象為居住在北部某縣市50歲以上之志工,共計收集205份有效問卷。研究結果顯示,法規認知和服務期待會影響服務滿意度,但組織期待與工作期待不會影響服務滿意度,研究者據此提出結論與建議。
石泱(2022)。 志願服務滿意模型建構之研究:以中高齡人口為例。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 10(1), 1-20。
A Study of the Volunteer Satisfaction Model Structured for Middle-Aged Volunteers
Shih, Y.
English Abstract This study examines the factors that may affect the volunteer satisfaction of middle-aged volunteers by constructing an explanatory model. Legal cognition, volunteer service expectations, organization expectations, and job expectations are considered independent variables, with volunteer satisfaction as the dependent variable. The relevant data is analyzed through structural equation models. The subjects of this study are volunteers who live in northern Taiwan and are over the age of 50. A total of 205 valid questionnaires were collected from the subjects. The results show that legal cognition and volunteer service expectations variables will affect volunteer satisfaction, but organizational expectations and job expectations will not. The researchers have put forward conclusions and suggestions accordingly.Keywords:middle-aged population, volunteer, volunteer satisfaction model