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中文摘要 台灣老年人口比率持續上升,預估2025年台灣將成為超高齡社會,屆時65歲以上人口數將為468.8萬。台灣每戶平均人口數由1990年4.1人,於2021年降為2.60人,因此面對人口老化,家庭照顧人力不足已是重要議題。近年來各領域數位產品蓬勃發展,它們可用於協助高齡者安全監控、家庭娛樂、智慧家電、居家照顧,從而協助高齡者在地老化。本研究探討高齡者使用與購買數位產品的經驗,以及數位產品對高齡者日常生活的助益,以利瞭解數位產品研發對高齡者在地老化目標達成的狀況。本研究為質性研究,採半結構深入訪談收集資料。本研究採滾雪球取樣,研究對象為65歲以上家中已使用數位產品的高齡者。訪談內容包括高齡者使用通訊軟體,社群媒體與視訊軟體,以及智慧家庭等數位產品的使用與購買經驗,進而瞭解高齡者使用數位產品對生活的助益。本研究數位產品係指可於市面上購買或上網購買,並且可自行安裝使用,例如門禁系統、攝像監控機、掃拖地機器人、智慧手環、智慧音箱、自動感應燈、藍牙溫濕度計、走步機、Wi-Fi插頭、自動灑水系統等。訪談資料逐字稿,依文字化、概念化、命題化、圖表化及理論化質性分析五步驟進行資料歸納分析。本研究共納入9位高齡者,結果發現高齡者對於數位產品之選購、安裝及操作使用會遭遇障礙,需要一些創新服務的協助。高齡者認為數位產品會帶來生活便利性,例如協助家務清潔工作、提升生活品質、提醒各項事項、連絡親友,以及其他生活事項之協助。通訊軟體與視訊軟體是分享、連絡、通訊、獲取知識與傳遞訊息的重要工具,也是拉近高齡者與親友之間距離的數位產品,數位產品同時也可豐富老年後生活。本研究發現高齡者使用安全監控設備,家人可進行遠距關懷;因此,利用物聯網科技,對家人的關懷不會因為距離而改變。根據本研究發現高齡者選購與使用數位產品的困難,以及現階段廠商研發與高齡者銷售策略的困境。這些發現將有助於研發更適合高齡者使用的數位產品。數位產品協助高齡者滿足健康在地老化需求。高齡者人數持續增加,滿足此社會需求需要更多社會企業的投入,協助高齡者減少取得與使用數位產品的障礙,以及選擇合適個人使用的數位產品。
張光煌、葉玲玲(2022)。 高齡者數位產品使用與購買經驗探索研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 10(2), 88-110。
An exploratory study on the use and purchase of digital products for older adults
Chang, K. H., Yeh, L. L.
English Abstract As the number of older adults in Taiwan continues to rise, it is estimated that Taiwan will become a super-aged society by 2025, where the number of people aged 65 and above will reach 4,688,000. The average number of people per household has dropped from 4.1 in 1990 to 2.60 in 2021, with the lack of familial caregivers becoming a significant issue. The surge in development of digital products in recent years enables older adults in multiple aspects, such as safety control, home entertainment, household appliances, and home care, thus supporting the concept of aging in place. This research explores the experiences of use and purchase of digital products and benefits in the daily life of older adults, which might provide important information for research and development of digital products to achieve the goal of aging in place. This research is a qualitative research and employs a semi-structured, in-depth interview. The study subjects aged 65 years old and above had been used digital products, recruiting by snowball sampling. The contents of interview include how the older adults’ use of communication software, visual software, and social media, and their experience in purchasing and using digital products. The digital products of this research that what people can buy in free market and internet, and they also can install by themselves, such as access control system, surveillance cameras, robot vacuum, smart bracelet, smart speaker, automatic sensor light, smart temperature and humidity monitor, walk machine, Wi-Fi plug, and automatic sprinkler system. The generalized analysis of this study data utilizes a 5-step process of qualitative research. This study recruited 9 older people. Study subjects have the barriers of choice, purchase, and operation of digital products, which results in the needs of innovation services of assistance of the older adults. Since the older adults can manage digital products, these products bring accessibility and convenience, by assisting in household cleaning, providing valuable reminders, contacting relatives and friends, easing other life matters, and overall improving quality of life. Communication and visual software are important tools for contacting, connecting, acquiring knowledge, and transmitting information, which can in turn enrich the lives of the older adults by closing the distance between relatives and friends. With the use of security monitoring equipment and internet-enabled equipment to carry out remote care, distance will no longer be a hindrance in providing care. This research finds the obstacles for the older adults to use digital products to improve the convenience of life, as well as the current dilemma of manufacturers' R&D and sales strategies for the older adults. These findings will help to develop digital products that are more suitable for the older adults. Digital facilities to help the older adults meet the needs of healthy aging in place. While highlighting the steady growth inKeywords:older people, digital product, use, purchase