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中文摘要 本研究結合職能觀點,聚焦我國長期照顧服務中居家照顧服務員的角色,希冀達至具體研究目的有二:一為瞭解建置居家照顧服務員分級制度的理由;二為瞭解居家照顧服務員分級制度的標準。研究者以半結構式訪談共8位居家服務單位之所長、主任、督導及組長,並以質性探究之詮釋學方法進行訪談內容的剖析,歸納出研究結果:就建立居服員分級制度的理由而言,主要有:(1)目前長照居服單位經營者缺乏居服員職能分級概念;(2)目前學校培育人才內容缺乏職能分級概念;(3)居服員分級制度的建立,有助於提升其專業性,降低社會負面觀感等三個主要因素。另外,就居服員分級制度的標準而言,結果有:(1)依實務工作經驗(年資或時數);(2)規範進階教育訓練課程及時數;(3)須建立公平分級認證單位及機制。本研究藉由理念基礎與實徵文獻對於研究結果的辯證與批判,提出基於職能觀點對於居家照顧服務員分級制度及進一步研究之建議。
鄭鈞元(2022)。 從「職能」觀點初探我國居家照顧服務員分級制度。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 10(2), 111-124。
A Preliminary Discussion toward the Classification System of Home Care Attendants based on Occupational Competency in Taiwan
Cheng, C.-Y.
English Abstract This research combines functional perspectives and focuses on the role of home care attendants in Taiwan’s long-term care services. Our aim is to achieve two specific research goals: one is to understand the reasons for the establishment of a home care attendant grading system; the other is to understand the standards of the home care attendant grading system. We conducted semi-structured interviews with 8 individuals who were the heads, directors, supervisors and team leaders of home service units. The content of the interviews with qualitative exploratory hermeneutics were analyzed. The conclusion of the results was that the establishment of a grading system for residential servants. The reasons were as follows: at present, the operators of long-term residential service units lack the concept of functional classification of residential servants; the current content of the school's cultivation of talents lacks the concept of functional classification; and the establishment of a residential server classification system is helpful to improve their professionalism and reduce the three main factors of social negative perception. In addition, in terms of the standards of the grading system for residential attendants, the results are: practical work experience (years or hours); standardizing the number of advanced education and training courses and time; and establishing a fair grading certification unit and mechanism.Keywords:competency, home care attendant, grading system