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中文摘要 高齡者擁有智慧型手機比例逐年提高,且熱衷於使用社群媒體,雖然高齡教育機構提供眾多智慧型手機運用的課程,但數位媒體素養的教學相對較為欠缺。本研究目的旨在了解高齡學習者數位媒體素養認知的情況,並探究高齡學習者數位媒體素養課程內容的規劃重點與活動設計策略。本研究採用質性研究的取向蒐集研究資料,訪談了七位在高齡教育單位教授電腦與智慧型手機課程的講師。本研究結果發現高齡學習者偏愛使用LINE應用程式,對基本功能操作技巧大致熟悉,但城鄉間高齡學習者之數位媒體能力存在差異;而社群媒體是高齡者接收錯誤訊息的主要來源,因此媒體素養訓練可著重於訊息分析與評估,以及倡議智慧財產權的概念;在判斷真偽訊息方面,高齡教育者建議可以導入人工智慧機器人於高齡者社群媒體的群組之中,並要建立社群分享訊息的規範;在課程規劃層面,高齡數位媒體素養的課程設計宜用融入式方式來執行,內容貼近高齡者關心的議題,並且讓高齡者能實際運用。根據研究結果,本研究提出三點建議,供高齡教育單位導入數位媒體素養於課程規劃之參考。
賴弘基(2022)。 數位媒體素養融入高齡教育課程:教學者觀點之分析。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 10(3), 125-138。
Integrating Digital Media Literacy into Courses for Older Adults: An Analysis of Instructors’ Perspective
Lai, H.-J.
English Abstract The ownership of smartphones among older adults has increased dramatically in recent years. Social media is older adults’ favorite application. Although senior education institutes provide many courses helping older adults to improve their skills using smartphones, topics related to digital media literacy are still widely neglected. The objectives of the study were to understand the perceptions of older adults towards digital media literacy and to identify critical points of designing digital media literacy training courses and learning activities for older adult learners. The study employed a qualitative approach. In-depth interviews were arranged to collect research data. The interviewees were seven instructors in charge of teaching computer and smartphone applications in senior education institutes in Taiwan. The results showed that older adult learners enjoyed using social media, in particular, LINE app. They were familiar with basic functions of the app. However, older adult learners who lived in urban areas were equipped with better digital media literacy than those who lived in rural areas. The main source of misinformation came from social media. Thus, digital media literacy training can focus on the skills of analyzing and evaluating information and promote an understanding of the concepts of intellectual property rights. In order to help older adult learners to discern fake news, instructors can teach them to use AI robots for fact-checking while using group chat on social media platforms. It also suggested that regulations in regard to sharing information should be imposed. An infusion curriculum design approach can be used in media literacy courses, and the course content should be relevant and useful to older adults. Based on the research results, three suggestions are provided for senior education institutes to develop digital media literacy training.Keywords:older adult education, digital media literacy, social media