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中文摘要 全球人口高齡化不斷增加,台灣高齡人口比例於2018年已超過14%,正式邁入高齡化社會。因此,年長者的生活狀況、居住環境和社會支持等情形都成為政府和學術重視的議題。本研究採用質性研究法,共邀請8位研究參與者,其中4位接受一對一的半結構式訪談;另外4位則為焦點團體座談的成員。透過視障獨居長者的工作、興趣與學習、社會參與、生活獨立性、安全與健康及環境可及性等向度,了解視障獨居長者活躍老化之狀況。此外,透過社會支持之角度,探討視障獨居長者生活中的需求。研究結果發現有4大項度:(1)持續社會參與:與新舊友的互相陪伴、培養音樂興趣、培養運動習慣、宗教生活、學習活動、再度就職、關注網路資訊與新聞、參與投票;(2)經濟獨立策略與需求:節省開銷、投資股票與瞭解經濟情勢、社會團體給予經濟協助;(3)獨自外出所遇到的挑戰:缺乏旁人的協助、環境設施不友善;(4)日常生活所需之服務:獨自搭乘大眾運輸工具、需熟練運用定向行動技能、主動尋求協助、解決飲食需求、採買購物、清洗衣物、環境衛生的維持。文末亦針對實務現狀及未來研究提出建議。
陳泰鈞、張千惠(2022)。 視障獨居長者社會支持與活躍老化。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 10(3), 139-162。
Active Aging and Social Support of the Visually Impaired Older Adults Living Alone
Chen, T. C., Chang, C. H.
English Abstract The aging population continues to increase worldwide. The proportion of the older adults population in Taiwan has exceeded 14% in 2018. Consequently, Taiwan has become an aging society. Therefore, the government and researchers need to pay attention to the living needs, the living conditions, living environments, and the needs for social support of older adults. The purpose of this research is to understand the status of active aging among the visually impaired older adults who live alone through the aspects of work, interest and learning, social participation, independence, safety and health, and environmental accessibility. In addition, this research also discusses the needs of the visually impaired elderly who live alone through the perspective of social support. This study utilized qualitative research methods to collect and analyze data. A total of 8 participants participated in the study. Four of them received one-on-one semi-structured interviews, whereas the remaining 4 attended the focus group. The results of this study found that the active aging status of the participants varied from person to person. When getting sufficient social support, the visually impaired elderly who live alone can achieve active aging status as they have good mobility, complete daily tasks, participate in social activities, and thereby achieve a positive status of active aging. The results of this study demonstrate the current status of active aging of the 8 visually impaired elderly who live alone and the social support they need. Finally, suggestions for practitioners and future studies were also presented.Keywords:visually impaired older adults living alone, social support, active aging