劉冠佑 陳培文 吳錫修 吳信義
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中文摘要 偏癱或稱單側動作障礙是中風病患最常見的失能之一,動作失能造成個案在日常生活的活動與功能受限,無法獨立生活而需要依賴別人協助。患者為了恢復可以獨立生活的功能,需接受復健治療活動,近來有許多研究發現,中風一年以上的病患其肢體功能的復健呈現「習得廢用」的現象,這種因使用患側肢體從事活動時所得到的負迴饋會壓抑患側肢體的行為,導致了臨床上中風後病患肢體患側功能恢復程度有限。為克服此問題,近年來在臨床上發展出侷限誘發動作治療的訓練方式,在進行治療的時候限制好的肢體而強迫使用偏癱的肢體,並用促進技術加以啟發,克服偏癱肢體的「習得廢用」現象。本研究提出將侷限誘發動作治療中限制健側肢體的機制融入復健器材設計中的構想,使所設計的復健器材具備侷限誘發動作治療功能,以有效協助患者克服偏癱肢體「習得廢用」的復健障礙,於復健黃金期內達到治療的效果。
劉冠佑, 陳培文, 吳錫修, 吳信義(2014)。 植基於侷限誘發動作治療原理之復健系統開發。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(1), 71-82。
Design of rehabilitation system based on constraint-induced movement therapy
Liu, G.-Y., Chen, P.-W, Wu, S. –S., Wu. H.-Y.
English Abstract Hemiplegia is the most common disability in stroke. Hemiplegia caused the limit of functional activities of daily living for the patients. Therefore, they unable to live independently and need to rely on others to help. The patients need to receive rehabilitation treatment in order to restore the function of independent life. Many studies have found that more than one year in patients whose stroke rehabilitation of limb function presents “learned non-use” phenomenon. Negative feedback due to the use of the affected limb while engaged in activities results in suppressing the behavior of the affected limb. Therefore, the functional recovery of the affected limb is limited. The method of constraint-induced movement therapy has been developed for stroke rehabilitation to overcome the “learned non-use” effect of the hemiplegic limb. In this study, the concept of limit contralateral limb mechanism is implemented in the design of rehabilitation system to help patients overcome the “learned non-use” effect of hemiplegic limb.Keywords:hemiplegia, rehabilitation, learned non-use, constraint-induced movement