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中文摘要 台灣爆發COVID-19疫情後,導致許多社區關懷據點關閉,據點將預防及延緩失能課程轉為線上,以為維持長者健康。然而,目前針對線上課程對長者功能成效相關研究仍顯不足。因此,本研究目的為探討線上課程對長者多方面功能成效之影響,並和實體課程進行比較。本研究加入自我效能及社會衰弱兩個影響因子,探討兩個影響因子是否會中介或調節參與線上課程與長者多面向功能成效間的關係。本研究對象為60歲以上未失能的社區長者,長者來自台北市、新北市6個社區關懷據點。本研究方法採類實驗性研究設計以及兩階段縱貫性調查。研究結果顯示實體課程顯著提升長者整體功能表現、失智及憂鬱面向功能。線上課程雖然無法維持或促進長者多面向功能表現,但是與未參與線上課程的長者相比,參與者的整體功能、日常生活相關及運動功能表現顯著較佳。比較結果說明線上課程不僅可以降低疫情對長者健康的負面影響,還可延緩長者的退化程度。本研究雖未發現自我效能的中介作用及社會衰弱的調節作用,然而,社會衰弱在長者整體功能、社會退縮及憂鬱面向功能表現有直接正向顯著相關。本研究證實線上課程可以延緩長者退化的程度,建議政府發展新型科技照顧模式時,應考量可能的阻礙因子,如長者的數位落差,在最低限度影響長者使用習慣下加值服務,提供後疫情時代長期照顧的新藍圖。
洪英正、陳貴芝、陳怡妃(2022)。 COVID-19疫情期間使用線上課程促進高齡者健康與延緩失能之成效探討:以台灣社區照顧關懷據點為例。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 10(3), 213-228。
The Effects of Online Courses on Older Adults in Health Promotion and Delay Disability during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Research Study for the Community Care Stations in Taiwan
Hung, Y.-C., Chen, K.-C., Chen, I.-F.
English Abstract COVID-19 has led to the closure of many community care sites, which as a result, prevented or delayed disability programs and have become online to maintain the health of the older adults. However, there is still insufficient research on the functional effectiveness of online programs for older adults. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of online programs on the multifaceted functional outcomes of older adults and to compare them with in-person programs. We added two influencing factors of self-efficacy and social frailty to explore whether the two influencing factors would mediate or moderate the relationship between participation in the online program and multidimensional functional outcomes of older adults. This study adopts a two-stage longitudinal survey. The results show that the in-person program significantly improves the overall functional performance, dementia, and depression-oriented functions of older adults. However, the online program did not maintain or promote the multi-dimensional functional performance of older adults. Through the online program, older adults of the overall function, daily life-related, and motor function performances were significantly better than older adults who did not participate in the online program. The comparison shows that online programs can not only reduce the negative impact of the epidemic on the health of older adults, but also delay aging in older adults. This study did not find the mediating role of self-efficacy and the moderating role of social frailty. However, social frailty was directly and significantly correlated with overall functioning, social withdrawal, and depression-oriented functional performance in older adults. This study confirms that online programs can delay the degree of aging in older adults. We suggest that the government should consider possible obstacles when developing a new technology-based care model for providing older adults value-added services.Keywords:prevent and delay disability program effectiveness; long-term care risk screening scale; self-efficacy; social frailty; new technology-based care mode