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中文摘要 隨著同性婚姻合法化,除了提升同志現身的機會,臺灣各領域也將遇見同志個人與同志伴侶的機會。當同志社群頻繁地跟國家系統產生互動後,每個領域都必須面對在同志議題上的態度,長照界自然也將有相對應的措施與作為,並正視同志的長照需求與服務。本研究認為同婚的通過,其背後所帶來的效益是有溝通可能。國外近年研究與臨床經驗提出同志文化能力的概念與教育,然而國內對於同志的長照議題的相關文獻有限,因此本研究藉由國內外文獻回顧,呈現國內外同志長照面臨的困境、同志文化能力所需的知識與能力,探討長照人員的同志文化能力的養成,並促使長照人員與長照機構尊重差異與了解同志文化,並將同志的文化元素納入服務設計當中,發展同志文化敏感度及文化的包容度。
洪宏(2022)。 六色長照:同志長照困境與長照人員同志文化能力的探討。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 10(3), 229-243。
LGBTQ friendly long-term care:A discussion on the dilemma of long-term care of LGBT and the LGBT Cultural Competence of long-term care
Hong, H.
English Abstract With the legalization of same-sex marriage and enhancing the opportunities for gay appearances, gay individuals and gay partners in Taiwan will gradually be more present in various fields. When the LGBT community frequently interacts with the national system, each field must determine what kind of attitude to have towards LGBT issues. Long-term care will also have its corresponding measures and actions to address the needs and services of LGBT in long-term care. We believe that the benefits of adopting same-sex marriage are opportunities for open communication. Presently, there is scarce literature in Taiwan on the issue of long long-term care for LGBT. In recent years, many research and clinical experiences abroad have proposed the concept and education of LGBT Cultural Competence. Due to the limited literature available, we utilize literature at home and abroad to present the difficulties faced by LGBT long-term care, their perspectives, and abilities that are required to achieve LGBT cultural cCompetence. We also explore the cultivation of LGBT cultural abilities. As a result, we urge long-term care workers and long-term care facilities to respect differences and understand LGBT's culture, incorporate cultural elements of LGBT into their methods of service, and develop a cultural sensitivity and tolerance towards LGBT.Keywords:LGBT, LGBTQ friendly long-term care, LGBT cultural competence