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中文摘要 人口高齡化為全球趨勢,退休後的高齡者可能因社會參與降低,造成生活福祉受到影響,生活消極感較大。相反,若能在退休後藉由社會互動、與他們建立人際關係,可能對其心情、健康有正向影響。本研究從社會互動觀點出發,探討中高齡者與他人建立互動關係是否有助於心理健康。中高齡者每日網絡互動對象包括:家人、朋友、鄰居、親戚、宗教,本研究以日記式重覆測量之跨期追蹤研究設計,邀請55歲以上退休中高齡者記錄10天網絡互動以及情緒狀態,以觀察其研究效果。最後本研究共蒐集有效樣本180位退休長者,1800筆每日資料。資料分析結果,朋友以及配偶在老年生活心理健康上扮演不同角色:中高齡者每日與朋友互動較多,則正向情緒較高;配偶互動則是有助於中高齡者負向情緒的降低。根據上述結果,本研究進行綜合性討論,提出高齡社會中高齡者心理健康照護之家庭、朋友社會支持之實務意涵與討論。
蕭婉鎔(2022)。 老年要快樂,老友很重要?從互動觀點探討網絡對中高齡者情緒之影響。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 10(4), 288-301。
Does Friendship Make Older Adults Happy? Exploring the Relationship between Social Network and Emotions in Older Adults
Hsiao, W. J.
English Abstract From the perspective of social networks, this research explores whether the interaction between older adults and other individuals contributes to mental health. Elders always interact with his family, friends, neighbours, relatives, and religion. This research uses a comprehensive analysis to compare the network structure of older adults, explores the influence of older adults’ social network on their emotions, and elucidates on the benefits of social capital to older adults. A diary study is conducted to examine the relationship between daily social networks and positive-and-negative emotions. Retired seniors over 55 years old were invited to record ten days of their social interactions and their emotional state. A total of 180 participants were recruited in this research, and a total of 1800 daily data were valid for the analysis. Results show that friends play the most important role in daily interactions. The higher the daily interaction with friends, the higher the positive emotion, and the more interaction they had with their spouse resulted in a lower negative emotion. Based on the results, further suggestions are provided and discussed.Keywords:positive and negative emotions, social network, aging friendship