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中文摘要 在鼓勵銀髮族運動的同時,社會中卻鮮少提供給長者運動競競賽之機會,更遑論是探討其在參與競賽活動滿意度之相關研究。中臺科技大學老人照顧系本著大學社會責任之精神於2021年與財團法人佳醫健康基金會針對社區據點長者舉辦「全國銀髮創意能力競賽-健康活力操」競賽。故本研究即以立意取樣方式,將進入複賽之71位社區據點銀髮族為案例,於競賽後採用自擬之結構式問卷進行資料之蒐集,期能了解影響銀髮族參與運動競賽之相關因素。由研究結果發現每次運動時間少於15分鐘,同年齡比較下,自覺健康狀況不錯、有人陪同下會增加運動動機及平日在據點喜歡律動相關活動與銀髮族對競賽活動滿意度有關,具有顯著性差異與統計上意義(p<0.01),且日後若有機會舉辦類似競賽,94.4%的長輩表示願意再次參加。因此建議日後國內福祉相關產業在設計促進銀髮族相關運動時可以將競賽列為其中一項策略,讓銀髮族除了成功老化的期許外,也有一個可以展現自我的舞台。
彭田(2022)。 影響銀髮族參與運動競賽滿意度相關因素初探-以活力健康操競賽為例。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 10(4), 302-314。
A Preliminary Study on Associating Factors Affecting the Satisfaction of Senior Citizens’ Participation in Sports Competitions with the Example of Dynamic Gymnastics
Peng, T.
English Abstract In the spirit of social responsibility for older adults in communities, the Department of Elderly Care of Chung Tai University of Science and Technology held the "National Senior Citizens Creative Ability Competition" in 2021 with Excelsior Healthcare Group. The purpose of this study was to explore associating factors that affect the satisfaction of senior citizens in communities participating in a dynamic gymnastics competition. The 71 seniors who participated in the 2021 National Senior Creative Ability Contest - Dynamic Gymnastics Rematch were our sampled subjects. A structured questionnaire was constructed to collect data after the competition. From the results of the study, it was found that exercise time less than 15 minutes, exercise is important to health, perceived good health with the same age, accompanied will increase the exercise motivation and the action design when participating in the competition. Competitions can increase interaction opportunities among seniors. The organization of the competition time affects the satisfaction of seniors with the competition activities, and there are statistically significant differences (p <0.001). In the future, if there is an opportunity to hold similar competitions, 94.4% of seniors expressed their willingness to participate again. Therefore, it is suggested that competitions can be included as one of the strategies in the design and promotion of sports related to senior citizens in the welfare-related industries in the future, so that in addition to the expectations of successful aging, seniors also have a stage where they can show themselves.Keywords:senior citizens, sports competitions, satisfaction