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中文摘要 腎臟切片術為一侵入性檢查,為防止腎臟切片後病人發生內出血情形,會利用沙袋於穿刺部位局部加壓。但沙袋加壓過程中,病人和家屬會因為需要關注沙袋加壓情形,干擾作息或因長時間活動受限造成不適感與腰痠背痛,增加護理人員照護頻率。經考量舒適性與經濟效益後,設計出「安心保腎袋」,裁切適合腰圍大小的長型布條及可裝入沙袋的口袋,作為適合壓迫止血的輔助用物,可避免病人因進行檢查後產生併發症,具操作簡單、便利,重複使用等特性之創新成品。未來若能擴及其他需要沙袋加壓的檢查項目,必可減少護理照護負荷量及增加病人滿意度。
孫嘉慧、王鈞渝、賴昭弟(2022)。 創新產品:安心保腎袋。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 10(4), 335-347。
A Safe Kidney Protection Bag
Sun, J.-H., Wang, J.-G., Lai, C.-T.
English Abstract Kidney biopsy is an invasive procedure. To prevent internal bleeding after kidney biopsy, local pressure is applied to the puncture site using sandbags. However, in the process of sand bag pressurization, patients and their families may need to pay attention to the sandbag pressurization, which may interfere with their work and rest or cause discomfort and back pain due to the restriction of activities for a period of time. Moreover, the nursing staff may have to increase the frequency of care. After considering the comfort of patients and economic benefits, the "Safe Kidney Protection Bag" was designed. The long cloth strips are suitable for any waist size, and the pockets can be packed into the sandbags as auxiliary materials for appropriate compression to stop bleeding and prevent complications after the kidney biopsy procedure. This is an innovative product with simple, convenient, and reusable features. In the future, the expansion of other procedures that require sandbags will surely reduce the nursing care load and increase patient satisfaction.Keywords:renal biopsy, hematoma, post renal biopsy care