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中文摘要 本研究首先就「時間銀行」的定義內涵、發展現狀、優缺點、發展建議進行界定。其次,本文以中國大陸地區的廈門大學、中國青年政治學院和華中師範大學的高校學生為調查對象,就對「時間銀行」的參與意願及其影響因素進行隨機調查。結果發現,高校學生對「時間銀行」的參與意願較高,主要影響因素有經濟水準、志願者參與經歷、自身性格和對於「時間銀行」的評價等,並針對調查結果提出在大陸高校推廣「時間銀行」的相關建議。
黃國桂(2014)。 中國大陸地區高校學生對「時間銀行」的參與意願及影響因素。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(1), 39-48。
Willingness of Chinese college students to participate in time bank
G. Huang
English Abstract (Note: This abstract was first published in the 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology.) Time Bank is a new management mode that aims to help volunteers ‘deposit’ their time, which is spent volunteering with the elderly, and then promises depositors they can withdraw their time, when they be- come old and need others’ help. Time acts like money in this ‘circulation’. In the western world, this new idea greatly improves people’s enthusiasm to participate volunteer activities with the elderly and helps provide sufficient manpower for nursing for the aged. This will help more gereology progressions apply in the medical and daily care for the aged and enhance the gerontechnology study. And now it begins to spread in China mainland. This paper aims to generally define the meaning of time banks, its development status, advantages and disadvantages, and tries to describe the future development prospects4 based on first-hand data that measures Chinese college students’ willingness to participate in Time Bank. Finally, this paper discusses how to spread knowledge about Time Bank. Method We performed a literature review, field surveys, analysis by SPSS, and interviews. Results & Discussion Chinese college students' understanding of the Time Bank is generally low. Almost 65% students (sample size: 300) have heard about Time Bank, compared with the 5% who have a deep understanding. But after learning about Time Bank, the survey shows there is change in the willingness to participate among them. About 83% students firmly support the Time Bank and would be ready to participate it. We also find four factors that greatly influence Chinese college students’ willingness to participate in Time Bank: economic conditions, experience of participating in volunteer activities, their character and mental qualities, the extent and degree of understanding and evaluation of the Time Bank.Keywords:Time Bank, university students, participation willingness