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中文摘要 行動科技整合無線通訊、應用軟體及行動載具功能複合,可隨身攜帶隨時使用,打破時空界線讓學習無所不在,幫助學習者進行學習。過去的科技運用門檻高,有機會接觸的人較少,尤其高齡者在科技上顯得特別弱勢。行動科技裝置取得容易操作簡單,使用的方法也較多元,近來高齡者對行動科技的運用也日益增加,能否做為其學習新選擇,研究調查高齡者運用行動科技學習型態及運用情形。研究於2020年5月進行線上調查,透過社群轉發問卷連結,共計回收210份問卷,其中197份為有效問卷,研究結果發現,部分高齡者對行動科技有豐富運用經驗,可做為高齡學習的新選項,在運用行動載具學習的型態上,平均選擇3.2種。整體來說,網路搜尋、線上影音、社群共學為高齡者主要運用行動科技學習形態,線上影音的運用在年齡上有顯著差異,網路搜尋則是在教育程度及年齡上有顯著差異,社群共學在運用經驗上有顯著差異。行動科技更多運用在非正式學習過程中。未來建議擴大研究對象的選擇,並更進一步探討影響型態選擇因素,擴大研究的深度與廣度。
陳怡真(2023)。 學習新路-高齡者運用行動科技學習之概況。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 11(1), 10-24。
A New Way of Learning: Senior Citizens Learning Toward the Uses of Mobile Technology
Chen, Y.-C
English Abstract New technology has transformed the way seniors connect to the world. New technologies, such as mobile technology, wireless communication, application software, and mobile devices have enabled new ways to learn. In addition, these new technologies have provided convenience to users. This has allowed senior citizens, who traditionally are not users of technology, to adopt these new technologies in their everyday life. Currently, senior citizens’ use of mobile devices is growing, which opens an opportunity for a new way of learning. This survey provides insight into senior citizens’ preference to using mobile devices. Data collected was in May 2020 through an online social media survey which consisted of 210 candidates and a total of 197 responses. From the responses, it was shown that senior citizens are familiar with mobile devices and use it frequently. Results also shows that senior citizens have 2 to 3 types of different mobile devices and women use more functions on the mobile devices than men. Overall, online search, online audio-visual, and online community are the main forms of learning through mobile technology use. There was a significant difference among various age groups in online audio-visual type of learning. In addition, there were significant differences among various education levels and age in online search as well as significant differences in the experience of online community learning. In summary, online search, online audio-visual, and online community are the main forms of learning through mobile technology use. In the future, it is recommended to expand the selection of research subjects and to further explore factors that affect the selection in order to gain better understanding of how olden citizens are learning through online mobile learning.Keywords:senior education, mobile technology, mobile learning