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中文摘要 伴隨家庭照顧者的照顧壓力及需求提高,家庭照顧者支持據點的數量也隨之上升,提供家庭照顧者支持服務的家庭照顧者社工員亦隨其增加。綜觀國內對於家庭照顧者的研究,諸多關注於家庭照顧者壓力與照顧接受者照護等議題,甚少以提供家庭照顧者支持服務的專業人員為研究對象。無論國內外,相關的研究如鳳毛麟角。有鑒於此,本研究透過半結構式訪談一位有五年資歷的家庭照顧者社工員的工作經驗,以及在工作中面臨的困境及其因應策略。研究結果呈現家庭照顧者社工員的工作經驗包括以下:對社工工作保持一份熱忱、家庭照顧者社工員的工作內容繁複、遇到拒絕服務介入的特殊案例、從家庭照顧者社工員工作中認識長照的資源以及如何運用該資源、家庭照顧者社工員有資源媒合的功能以及傾聽支持與倡導者的角色、體悟到社工員不是都能幫得上忙、對個案的困境感到無助。而其工作遇到的困境有:面臨負面情緒極度強烈的個案,感到身心俱疲、自覺專業知識不足、個案覺得年紀輕而信任感不足、語言不同而溝通受阻、主管異動而無法妥善處理溝通、同事的離職影響心情與熱忱。根據研究結果,本研究提出相關建議,希望提供業界對家庭照顧者社工員有更多的理解,也希望提供有效的職場策略給所有執業中的家庭照顧者社工員作為參考。
洪宏(2023)。 家庭照顧者社工員的工作經驗與困境之初探。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 11(1), 25-43。
An Exploratory Study on the work experience and difficulties of family caregivers’ social workers
Hong, H.
English Abstract With increased caregiver stress and demand for family caregivers, the number of family caregiver support positions has followed suit. The need for professional services for social work has been increasing. In addition, the number of family caregivers providing professional services has also increased. Looking at Taiwan’s research on family caregivers, most of them focus on the discussion of family caregivers' stress, caregiver care technology, and institutional planning. However, there is much less literature on the experience of professional manpower. Therefore, this study examines the practical experience and difficulties faced by a family caregiver’s social worker with five years of seniority through a semi-structured in-depth interview. We give recommendations to provide a more in-depth understanding of family caregivers’ social workers and share effective workplace strategies for all family caregivers’ social workers as a reference.Keywords:family caregiver, family caregiver’s social worker, work experiences, work difficulties