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中文摘要 根據衛生福利部國民健康署於2018年所進行的調查結果顯示,65歲以上老年人跌倒發生率為20.4%,其中重複跌倒機率高達39.2%;而人體的肌肉到了60歲以後,會因退化現象導致肌肉量不足。銀髮族的身體狀態為了適應這退化現象,步態會自動做出調整,因此產生異常的行走姿勢。此異常行走姿勢除了消耗更多的能量外,更容易發生跌倒等意外事故。有鑑於此,本研究著眼於防患於未來,自2022年3月01日至2022年4月30日止,針對62位竹北市銀髮族利用「GaitUp無線步態分析系統」進行步態量測與跌倒風險評估。研究結果顯示,在九項典型步態參數中,除了「步幅長度」平均值略小於正常範圍值外,其餘八項參數平均值皆落於正常範圍值內。此外,本研究也辨別出「運動及生活習慣」與「步態穩定度」有相關性,且達顯著水準。換言之,擁有良好的生活習慣及喜歡運動的銀髮族,他們的步態穩定度會比不喜歡運動且有不良生活習慣的銀髮族較佳。
簡鴻儒(2023)。 探討運動及生活習慣與步態穩定度的相關性-以新竹縣竹北市銀髮族為例。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 11(2), 111-127。
Correlation Between Exercise, Living Habits, and Gait Stability of Older Adults in Chubei City, Hsinchu County
Chien, Hung-Ju
English Abstract According to the survey conducted by the National Health Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2015, the incidence of falls in older adults over 65 years old was 20.4%, and the probability of repeated falls was 39.2%. After the age of 60, the muscles of the human body will suffer from hypotonia due to aging. In response to this degenerative symptom, the older adults will automatically adjust their gait, resulting in abnormal walking postures. In addition to consuming more energy, this abnormal walking posture is causing accidents such as falls. The aim of this research was to focus on prevention in the future. This research was conducted between March 1, 2022 and April 30, 2022 in using the “GaitUp Wireless Gait Analysis System” to evaluate gait stability and fall risk for 62 older adults in Chubei city. The results indicated that, in the nine typical gait parameters, except the average value of “step length” which was slightly lower than the standard value, the average values of the other eight parameters were all within the standard value. In addition, the author also identified a significant correlation between “exercise,” “living habits,” and “gait stability.” In other words, older adults who had healthy living habits and like to exercise had better gait stability than those who did not like to exercise and had unhealthy living habits.Keywords:older adults, living habits, gait stability