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中文摘要 全球銀髮浪潮已是議題,因此居家照顧服務員參與繼續教育課程備受關注,然而,成人教育學理論於居家照顧服務員參與繼續教育領域之相關研究仍付之闕如。本研究對象為臺南市之居家照顧服務員,共收案17人,採半結構式進行訪談。研究結果發現居家照顧服務員應具備更積極的學內在驅動力,當個人在學習後獲得成就時,愈是達到自我實現之境界,愈能促使居家照顧服務員學習的動機。居家照顧服務員知道他們為什麼需要學習,有能力決定和自己的生活負責的自我概念,願意分享過去的經驗,讓學習環境更豐富,瞭解自己真正想要學習的內容,擁有學習動機,基於過程而不是基於內容,具有學習的內在動機。本研究呼應Knowles成人教育學理論,建議針對居家照顧服務員真正需要的知識、技術、行為來規劃符合他們需求的繼續教育課程。
呂映瑾、李雅慧(2023)。 居家照顧服務員參與繼續教育課程之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 11(2), 128-145。
Study on the Participation of Resident Care Attendants in Continuing Education Programs
Lu, Y.-C., Lee, Y.-H.
English Abstract Population aging is a global issue. Therefore, the participation of resident care attendants in continuing education programs is a significant issue. However, there is very little research on the theory of andragogy related to the participation of resident care attendants in continuing education. The subjects of this study were 17 resident care attendants in Tainan City, and the methodology of the study was semi-structured interviews. The results show that resident care attendants should have a more motivation to learn. The more resident care attendant achieves self-actualization after learning, the more motivated they will be to learn. Resident care attendants know why they need to learn and can decide on a self-concept that handles their lives. They are willing to share their experiences to help enrich the learning environment. Moreover, they understand what they want to learn and have the motivation to learn, which is process-based rather than content-based, and have an intrinsic motivation to learn. This study echoes Knowles' theory of andragogy and recommends that continuing education programs can be planned to meet the needs of resident care attendants by targeting the knowledge, skills, and behaviors they need.Keywords:resident care attendant, andragogy, continuing education program