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中文摘要 教師專業學習社群是促進教師專業發展的有效管道,藉由合作與對話,強化團隊學習的能力,對於在非正規教育體制的高齡教育教師有其重要性。本研究旨在分析高齡教育教師專業學習社群的運作與經營模式、了解高齡教育教師專業學習社群成員的分享方式、行為與規範,以及探討高齡教育教師成員參與專業學習社群後的成效。本研究採用半結構式的訪談蒐集研究資料,邀請七位參與南投縣樂齡講師專業學習社群的教師進行深度訪談。本研究結果之主要發現為:教師專業學習社群需有熱心的帶領人,負責安排實體或線上的學習活動,並能指定教師輪流分享;教師學習社群的聚會透過實體與線上的互動,在網路群組上亦會分享學習新知與教學經驗,主要幫助除精進教學技能之外,最重要就是拓展人脈;社群教師參與社團後,除了精進本身的教學科目專業之外,對於老化的知識亦更加了解,尤其是在高齡學習者生理與心理的認知層面;教師專業社群需有規範,除了出席要求外,學習與分享的內容要皆以高齡教學為主軸,線上群組討論尤其要避免有關宗教與政治的言論。根據研究結論,本研究提出三點建議,供高齡教育主管單位與機構在輔導成立教師專業學習社群的參考。
賴弘基(2023)。 高齡教育教師專業學習社群的經營模式與成效之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 11(2), 146-158。
A Study on the Operation Model and Effectiveness of Professional Learning Community for Teachers in Older Adult Education
Lai, H.-J.
English Abstract The professional learning community is an effective way to promote teachers’ professional development. Through collaboration and sharing experiences, teachers can enhance their team learning ability, which is important for teachers of older adult education working in non-formal education sectors. This study aimed to analyze the operation model of the professional learning community for teachers of older adult education, understand the interaction and behavior of members in the community, and explore the impact of their participation in the professional learning community. This study collected research data through semi-structured interviews. Participants were seven teachers from Active Aging Learning Centers’ teacher professional learning community in Nantou County, Taiwan. The main findings of this study are as follows: The professional learning community for teachers need enthusiastic leaders who can arrange online or offline learning activities and assign teachers to share in turns. The gatherings of the teacher learning community are conducted through both physical and online learning activities. They also share new knowledge and teaching experiences on social media groups which can help them to improve their teaching skills and expand their social network. After participating in the community, teachers have a better understanding of knowledge in terms of aging, especially in the cognitive aspects of physiological and psychological characteristics of older adult learners. Teachers in professional learning community need consensus rules, and the learning and sharing contents should focus on the topics of teaching older adults, and online group discussions should avoid comments on religion and politics issues. Based on the research findings, this study proposes three suggestions for senior education administration and institutions in guiding the establishment of professional learning communities for teachers.Keywords:older adult education, teacher professional learning community, teacher professional