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中文摘要 本研究旨在研發嬰幼兒、年長者服藥及吞嚥輔助凝膠及系列產品。研究過程採用市場需求調查、專家諮詢、實作產出與產品問卷調查等方法。經由不斷地試做與修正,產出最適宜之設計──「寶護凝」服藥及吞嚥輔助凝膠。寶護凝是一種即溶食品粉末,使用時將分包粉末倒入杯中,加入20ml開水並持續攪拌1分鐘,即成為澄清透明狀、具甜味且口感宜人之凝膠。寶護凝與各類藥物粉末及糖漿互溶性良好,能有效掩蓋嬰幼兒口服粉末藥品之苦味;半固體凝膠使吞嚥更順暢,可以改善嬰幼兒服藥的順從度,降低嬰幼兒服藥嗆咳的風險。此產品非常適合輔助年長者及吞嚥障礙者順利服藥,或作為液態食物的增稠劑使用;可防止嗆咳,提高照護品質,減少併發症的發生。寶護凝由短鏈澱粉、蔗糖及葡萄聚糖等食材原料製成,安全可食。目前此產品已經取得國家專利(新型第M623152號),且已經試量產,為嬰幼兒、年長者服藥及吞嚥輔助提供安全方便的選擇。
洪明權(2023)。 嬰幼兒、年長者服藥及吞嚥輔助凝膠之研發—寶護凝。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 11(2), 159-176。
Research on swallowing aid jelly for infants, young children, and the older adults
Hung, Ming-Chuan
English Abstract The purpose of this research is to develop a jelly-based swallowing aid that could facilitate swallowing and the ingestion of medication for infants, young children, and the older adults. The research methodology involves market demand surveys, expert consultations, actual output, and product trial surveys. After multiple revisions and trials, the most suitable design, Baowhoning, is produced. Baowhoning is an edible powder that is packaged in fractional portions. To use it, the powder poured into the medication cup, 20 ml of drinking water is added, and the mixture is stirred for approximately one minute. The result is a cup of transparent jelly with a sweet flavor and pleasant texture. Drug powders and syrups disperse easily in this jelly, and adding prescribed medication for infants and young children into this jelly could effectively alleviate the bitterness of said medication. The semisolid nature of the jelly could also aid in smooth swallowing for infants and young children, increasing the willingness of infants and young children to take medication while reducing the risk of choking. Baowhoning can also assist the older adults and those with dysphagia in taking medication or act as a food thickening agent. It can be used to improve the quality of care, stabilize patient condition, and reduce the incidence of complications. Baowhoning consists of short-chain starch, sucrose, and glucose polymers, which are entirely edible and generally recognized as safe (GRAS). The components do not affect drug absorption or interact with medication. Currently, Baowhoning has obtained a national patent (utility model No. M623152), and attempts to enter mass production have begun, aiming to provide a safe and convenient option for infants and the older adults to take medication and aid in swallowing.Keywords:jelly, infants and young children, taking medication, the older adults, swallowing aid, pediatric medicine