段伴虬 陳聰堅 石雅芬 謝敏惠 吳瑞耀
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中文摘要 台灣將於2018年邁入高齡社會,加上少子化效應,遠距健康照護系統需求將急遽上升,開發出符合銀髮族需求的遠距健康照護系統之服務產品模型及服務流程模型更顯重要。本研究以服務體驗工程方法之服務設計,針對社區遠距健康照護系統經由服務體驗需求洞察文獻之研究結果所得之潛在需求,透過20位專家針對顧客服務需求及潛在需求進行腦力激盪,藉由服務機能展開法透過服務機能展開矩陣進行檢核評分,參照服務機能展開表分析討論,列出40項顧客服務需求,以親和圖法分成五大構面,再請專家進行服務機能腦力激盪,列出20項服務機能,再以親和圖法分成四大構面,設計出對應的服務流程,來達成相關的服務機能。本研究獲得銀髮族社區遠距健康照護系統之服務產品模型及服務流程模型,供後續服務實作及相關軟硬體系統開發改良依據。
段伴虬, 陳聰堅, 石雅芬, 謝敏惠, 吳瑞耀(2014)。 銀髮族社區遠距健康照護系統之服務產品模型及服務流程模型設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(1), 27-38。
A service design of a user-based tele-healthcare system for seniors
P-C. Tuan, T-C. Chen, Y-F. Shih, M-H. Hsieh, J-Y. Wu
English Abstract (Note: This abstract was first published in the 9th World Conference of Gerontechnology.) Purpose In 2017, Taiwan will officially become an aged society. Aging, combined with the effects of a decreased birth rate, will create a serious work force shortage limiting options for providing senior citizen care. Consequently, the need for a tele-healthcare system will rapidly increase. A system must be developed that meets the needs of seniors, is easy to use and provides comfort to seniors. The design of such a system and process is therefore particularly important. Method This study uses Service Experience Engineering (SEE) to design a tele-healthcare model and identify hidden needs through service experiences. The designers of the study invited 20 tele-healthcare experts to brainstorm and note customers’ needs, either known or potential; their analyses were then integrated into the model. The rationale is to use customer expectations as the impetus and thereby allow customers to participate in the design process. If deployment is carried out properly with attention to quality, customer needs will be met efficiently. By using the opinions of experts, the deployment and deployment matrix of the service function, a well-developed model for a senior citizen tele-healthcare system will be produced. Results & Discussion This study identified 40 client service needs, which are further divided into five categories by means of an affinity diagram. The five categories are: mental and physical senses, added services, health management, facilities, and, environment. Based on these customer needs, the experts brainstormed and devised 20 service functions, divided into four categories: system design, customer service, marketing management, and facility management. The overall result of our study is a product model for a senior citizen tele-healthcare system as well as the basis for a service plan, staff training, and software and hardware development.Keywords:Tele-health care system, service product model, service process model, service experience engineering