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中文摘要 國內人口結構逐漸老化,內政部統計資料之2021年扶老比,由2011年的14.7上升至23.81。同時,行政院主計總處2021年人力資源調查統計年報顯示,45-65歲中高齡者勞動力占比總勞動之增幅最大,勞動力老化將是未來我國勞動市場最關鍵變化。2021年5月全國進入COVID-19疫情第三級警戒,國內公布全面實施遠距教學,中高齡者職業教育利用遠距教學,雖可克服時空限制,惟亦存在挑戰。本研究以焦點團體訪談方法,探討後疫情時代高雄市中高齡者職業教育遠距教學的現況問題,包括:(1)中高齡者的教育訓練學習偏好較偏向實體課程;(2)弱勢族群中高齡者數位落差現況較大;(3)遠距教學學習的專注力、學習力及成效不佳;(4)職業訓練因應COVID-19防疫措施缺乏執行遠距教學的操作手冊。本研究結果可提供辦理中高齡者職業教育機構及行政機關在規劃中高齡者的職業教育之參考。
楊雅晴、丁學勤(2023)。 以焦點團體訪談探討COVID-19後疫情時代高雄市中高齡者職業教育遠距教學的問題。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 11(2), 177-193。
Focus Group Interviews on Distance Learning in Vocational Education for Middle-aged and Older Adults in Kaohsiung City in the Post-COVID-19 Era
Yang, Y. C., Ting, S. C.
English Abstract The population structure is gradually aging in Taiwan. According to the statistics of the Ministry of the Interior, the old age dependency ratio in 2021 has increased to 23.81 from 14.7 in 2011. The Annual Report of the 2021 Human Resources Survey by the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan showed that 45- to 65-year-olds account for the massive increase in the total labor force. The most critical change in Taiwan's labor market in the future will be the aging of the labor force. On May 2021, Taiwan entered the level 3 alert for the COVID-19 outbreak. The government announced to implement distance learning for all the schools to ensure that students continue their studies during the pandemic. Distance learning in vocational education for middle-aged and older adults can be used to overcome time and space constraints, but there are still challenges. This study uses focus group interviews to examine the current issues of distance learning in vocational education for middle-aged and older adults in Kaohsiung City in the post-pandemic era: (1) Middle-aged and older adults prefer physical courses for education and training. (2) The digital gap is remarkable for older adults among disadvantaged groups. (3) Distance learning may result in poor concentration, low learning ability, and low effectiveness. (4) Vocational training in response to pandemic prevention measures lacked operational manuals for performing distance learning. The results can be used as a reference for vocational education institutions and related administrations in planning and arranging vocational education for middle-aged and older adults.Keywords:post-pandemic era, vocational education for middle-aged and older adults, distance learning, focus group interview