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中文摘要 政府於2017年1月實施「長照十年計畫2.0」,以賦稅制建置社區整體照顧服務體系,並提供「優質、平價、普及」的長照服務,以實踐「在地老化」之目標。本研究透過深度訪談分析長照2.0在財務制度設計的永續性議題。研究發現面臨高齡照顧需求增加,僅依賴政府籌措財源來執行長照2.0,將不易滿足民眾對於高齡照護服務品質的需求。為能促進我國長期照顧政策的財務永續性,建議短期內檢視影響長照財源籌措的各項因素;中期可在凝聚社會共識下,考慮將由公共服務轉成社會長照保險之可能性。
劉宜君、蔡雅琄、林昭吟、王光旭、陳敦源(2023)。 長照十年計畫2.0財務永續性之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 11(3), 194-213。
The Research of Financial Sustainability in Taiwan Long-Term Plan 2.0
Liu, I-Chun., Tsai, Ya-Chuan., Lin, Chao-Yin., Wang, Guang-Xu., Chen, Don-Yun
English Abstract In January 2017, the Taiwanese government implemented the Ten-Year Long-Term Care Plan 2.0 (hereinafter referred to as Long-Term Care 2.0), which is a tax-based initiative for developing a community care service system. According to the National Development Council’s projection, people aged over 65 years will account for more than 20% of the Taiwanese population by 2025, making Taiwan a super-aged society. Therefore, the financial sustainability of long term care is crucial. This study analyzed the financial sustainability of Long-Term Care 2.0 through in-depth interviews. This study discovered that Taiwan will become a super-aged society more quickly than Japan and face increased demand for senior care, a shortage of caregivers, and serious social problems such as caregiver turnover. Taiwan’s financial resources for long term care services are mainly obtained through taxes; however, the health-care system in Taiwan is insurance based and thus different from those of other countries that have adopted a similar financial resource pipeline for health-care and long term care services. This research recommends short-term and medium-term reform strategies for ensuring the financial sustainability of Taiwan’s long term care policy. In the short term, the growth in long term care expenditures in Taiwan should be continually reviewed. In the medium term, the possibility and public acceptance of converting public services into social long term care insurance should be examined.Keywords:long-term care, long-term plan 2.0, financial sustainability