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中文摘要 台灣即將於2025年邁入超高齡社會,意旨屆時老年人口占比大於20%,隨即人口紅利結束之時點隨將到來,國發會表示,我國老化的程度依舊往上攀升,因應我國急遽老齡化,長照十年計畫2.0的目標係向前端延伸初級預防功能;後端提供多目標社區式服務以減輕照顧壓力,目標與策略的執行皆須配合完整服務方案與體系始稱完善。依據全國與台北市2019年的死因調查顯示,「跌倒」分別占65歲以上族群事故傷害死亡原因的第2位,衛生福利部2018年表示老年人跌倒受傷主要前2大殺手原因為「滑倒或絆倒」(43.2%)、「失去平衡或頭昏」(37.1%)。抗力球運動起源於1963年瑞士,為物理治療之用途,以促進病人平衡感為主,除強化身體平衡外,尚且涵蓋核心肌群以及專注力等訓練。有鑒於此,本研究目的在於了解抗力球活動的介入對於「動靜態平衡」的關聯影響,期達預防跌倒之前端防禦,並可同時擢升晚景如春之生活品質。研究受測者納入標準以65歲(含)以上66名台南市東區某關懷/樂智據點及日間照顧中心長輩為研究對象,活動採為期6個月/每週2次,每次40分鐘的方式施行,內容設計分為二個階段,第一階段為暖身運動;第二階段則針對平衡協調能力進行訓練,主要以維持不同姿勢的能力、不同姿勢的轉換能力與調整重心的能力列入課程安排。研究方法以描述性統計、成對樣本T檢定、獨立樣本T檢定與單因子變異數分析方式進行資料分析。結果顯示,抗力球活動的介入與動靜態平衡功能之表現關係密切,可改善動態與靜態之平衡功能,減少因失衡而導致跌倒之風險。據此,本研究認為,除加強社區各據點與日間照顧中心長者對於動靜態平衡功能的正確認知和定期檢測外,鼓勵長者持續參與運動等系列活動,提升動靜態平衡功能,係為降低跌倒的重要策略。
陳貞君(2023)。 抗力球活動與長者動靜態平衡之關聯影響。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 11(4), 336-352。
Effect of Swiss Ball Exercise Program on Static and Dynamic Balance of Older Adults
Chen-Chun, Chen
English Abstract Falls are a common cause of injury, but often overlooked. Around 1 in 6 elder adults over 65 and half of people over 80 will fall at least once a year. The research aimed to design an exercises program with Swiss ball and recognize its effect on static and dynamic balance in elder adults. Sixty-eight elder adults who agreed to participate were included in the study. The participants performed the exercise for 6 months. A significant improvement was observed from the Swiss-ball exercises program. The design of one-group, pre-test, and post-test have limitation upon the internal validity of the study. The information was collected using SPSS software. The data were collected from two instruments: (1) Demo graphical questionnaires; (2) Survey questions (Berg Balance Scale, BBS). The data were analyzed using the SPSS Wilcoxon Singed-Ranks Test mixed design and descriptive statistics for the quantitative data. The findings of this study showed that the Swiss-balls exercises program was effective in improving static and dynamic balance in elder adults. Swiss-balls were shown to be effective in balancing ability. In this study there was a limit even though it consisted of several exercise programs to promote balance. In future research, set up with a combination of various exercise programs is necessary and recommended.Keywords:swiss ball, static balance, dynamic balance, fall prevention