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中文摘要 面對未來高齡社會型態,老人福祉科技的發展是產業界重要的機會,老人福祉科技也絕對需要產業界積極參與,真正落實成為產品/服務,實際造福高齡者和其照護者,才能展現其價值。本文首先說明老人福祉科技的背景與範疇,接著提出老人福祉科技產業的挑戰,如何從「專業系統」轉化成為「消費者產品」,找到使用者的內在動機,開創永續的商業模式。最後本文嘗試以「智慧型系統」為關鍵詞,結合資通訊、感測與機電、機器人等技術,舉出幾個可能的切入點,提供產業界參考。
徐業良(2014)。 老人福祉科技產業的機會和挑戰。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(1), 83-90。
Gerontechnology industry – Challenges and opportunities
Y-L. Hsu
English Abstract Gerontechnology represents an important opportunity for industry, facing the aged society in the future. On the other hand, gerontechnology research is only valuable if the research reults can be realized into products or services that benefit older persons and their caregivers. This paper first describes the background and scope of gerontechnology. Then it presents the challenge of gerontechnology, how to make the trnsition from “professional system” to “consumer products”, find the internal motivation of the users, and develop a sustanable business model. Finally this paper presents several possible directions for gerontechnology developments in industry, using “intelligent system” as the keyword.Keywords:gerontechnology industry, business model, internal motivation, intelligent system