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中文摘要 全髖關節置換術後病人常會因行動不便、會疼痛等問題導致長期臥床,難以恢復原有日常活動狀態。實證文獻建議盡早實行阻力運動以利早日恢復,透過文獻搜尋以實證解決問題方法,知識轉譯實行於全髖關節置換術後早期阻力運動之照顧計畫。經實證復健方案介入後,讓原本獨居生活的個案,下肢肌力改善、步態平穩及日常生活功能均可自理,最重要是當改善下肢肌肉力量後,可順利上下樓,減少臥床及依賴他人目標。而全髖關節置換術後接受阻力運動,可顯著提升病人術後復原,建議居家或社區個案可考慮術後盡早接受阻力運動,以期早日恢復原有日常生活目標。
劉苑蓉、謝佳容(2023)。 全髖關節置換術後個案接受早期阻力運動復健之實證案例。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 11(4), 368-381。
An Evidence-Based Case Study of Total Hip Replacement Received Resistance Exercises
Yuan-Jung Liu, Chia-Jung Hsieh
English Abstract After total hip replacement, patients are often bedridden for a long time due to pain and inconvenience. The empirical literature suggests early resistance exercise for quick recovery. Through evidence-based search for problem-solving solutions, knowledge translation is implemented in care planning for early resistance exercise after total hip replacement. After the intervention of the empirical program, the patient's lower limb muscle strength, gait stability and activity function were fully restored. The lower limb muscle strength was improved, and the patient could go up and down stairs smoothly. The patients were also able to take care of the daily tasks themselves, reducing bed rest and dependence on others. Receiving resistance exercise after total hip replacement based on evidence can significantly improve the postoperative recovery of patients. It is recommended that patients at home or in the community should consider receiving resistance exercise after surgery according to their nursing goals to promote an early return to their original daily lives.Keywords:resistance exercise, total hip replacement, gait, daily living activities, functional performance