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中文摘要 本研究之目的在於探討大學生參與代間學習方案之學習歷程與成效,採質量並重的混合研究。研究之進行藉由認知活動內容,由36位大學生分二組各設計一符合失智高齡者與大學生間可共同進行的單次非祖孫關係之代間認知方案。以單組前後測相依樣本t考驗方式,測量大學生參與代間認知方案活動前後之老人態度差異,同時輔以質性內容分析方式,分析大學生參與該活動方案後之心得反思資料。結果發現大學生在「對老人態度」量表上,對老人的「心理與認知」分量表及整體量表的得分上達顯著差異;同時產生三項成長性經驗,包括「修正對失智高齡者觀感、個人正向成長、反思個人未來職涯選擇」等。基於前述研究結果,提供相關建議於後續研究及實務工作參考。
鄭鈞元(2024)。 大學生參與代間學習方案之老人態度及學習成效初探。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 12(1), 23-37。
Exploration on the Older Adults’ Attitudes and Personal Growth of the College Students Participated the Intergenerational Learning
Cheng, C.-Y.
English Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the learning process and effectiveness of college students participating in the intergenerational learning program, using a mixed study approach that pays equal attention to quality. The study was carried out through cognitive activity content. There are 36 college students in this study, and they are divided into two groups and each designed an intergenerational cognitive plan that was suitable for a single non-grandchild relationship between older adults with dementia and college students. A single-group pre- and post-test dependent sample t-test was used to measure the difference in attitudes towards the older adults among college students before and after participating in the intergenerational awareness program. Moreover, qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the reflection data of college students after participating in the activity program. The results showed that college students had significant differences in scores on the scale of "Attitudes towards Older Adults," the "Psychological and Cognitive" subscale towards the older adults and the overall scale; three growth experiences were produced, including "Revised attitudes towards the older adults with dementia" readers’ perceptions, positive personal growth, reflection on personal future career choices, etc. Based on the aforementioned research results, relevant suggestions are provided for reference in future research and practical work.Keywords:intergenerational learning, program (project), attitude toward older adults, dementia, older adults