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中文摘要 台灣少子化與人口老化形成人口結構改變,中高齡者面臨著諸如失智、憂鬱、焦慮等心理健康問題的挑戰,長期來看,這種趨勢可能會導致長期護理系統面臨危機。目前在歐洲和亞洲等國家已制定政策,未來綠色療癒已成為照顧高齡者的發展趨勢。本研究以質性訪談6位參與綠色療癒課程中高齡者的學習動機、內容、困境與因應策略以及對生活的效益。研究分析結果學習動機多元,包括紓解壓力、增強技能以因應環境變化,對食農食安教育的興趣,符合自然環保,自我實現。課程內容包括農業種植知識,農產品食品加工知識,環境生態永續,農業管理與行銷。學習過程中存在體能無法負荷,課程內容及學習方法限制,外在因素干擾,缺乏社會支持等困境。透過增加外部資源設備,自我導向和經驗學習,時間管理,增加社會支持等策略克服困境。生活效益包含寓教於樂,可自助助人建立生活目標,拓展人際關係,身心療癒,提升幸福愉悅感。
謝依宸、李雅慧(2024)。 中高齡者參與綠色療癒課程學習歷程之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 12(1), 38-54。
Investigating the Learning Process of Middle-Aged and Older Adults in Green Healing Programs
Hsieh, Y.-C., Lee, Y.-H.
English Abstract This study explores the difficulties and coping strategies of middle-aged and older adults participating in a green healing program through a case study of the “Central Region Natural Farming Club,” a private Facebook group dedicated to sustainable agriculture. Employing a semi-structured, one-on-one interview methodology, the research investigates the motivations, learning experiences, and impacts on four participants aged 45 to 65. Key findings reveal: (1) Diverse motivations for program participation, including concerns for food and agricultural safety, skills development, alignment with personal values, and pursuit of self-fulfillment. (2) A broad curriculum covering green healing practices, such as agricultural planting knowledge, food processing techniques, environmental ecology and sustainability principles, agricultural management skills, and marketing strategies for farm produce. (3) Learning challenges faced by the participants, including physical limitations, restrictions in course content and learning methods, external distractions, and a lack of social support. (4) Coping strategies used by the participants include experiential learning, self-directed learning, and leveraging external resources and equipment to supplement their learning experience. (5) The program’s positive impact on the participants’ well-being, including improved physical and mental health, enhanced social connections, and a sense of personal growth through skill development and knowledge acquisition.Keywords:middle-aged and older adults, green healing, learning process