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中文摘要 在全球社會經濟穩定,照護醫療科技發達之下,人口壽命隨之延長,居家時間增加,因此隨著年齡增加,中高齡期的居住需求逐漸受到重視。高齡者有權享有健康安全、獨立自主的居住環境,應以「在宅老化」為目標,提升老年生活品質,並減少照護人力支出和社會負擔,然而,在高齡期要找到合適的養老宅必須以前瞻的觀點進行準備,因此中高齡階段即可開始預備適合老年生活的住家,透過改造住宅空間,滿足中高齡者現在和未來的需求。本研究主要以Kolb的經驗學習理論,探討中高齡居住者規劃既有住宅空間改造的經驗學習歷程。目的為瞭解中高齡者的居住品質、居家調整的需求與策略,建構出中高齡居住者住宅空間改造的經驗學習模式。本研究採取質性研究方法,訪談8位在50歲後,曾改造過居家環境的中高齡者,使用半結構式訪談法,針對其居家空間改造經驗學習歷程進行深度訪談。研究結果發現,中高齡者進行居家規劃的動機包括:讓居住的空間變大、回歸簡單的生活、使自己的心情愉悅;學習與行動策略包括:請教他人的經驗、清理回收不需用的東西、更新部分的配件、整理與收納、更新或修補;居家規劃結果包括:舒適感增加、喜歡待在家、動線較好、提高安全性、容易找到物品、增進與人的互動。本研究結果可以提供有住宅改造需求之中高齡者建議。
賴一予、李雅慧(2024)。 中高齡者改造住宅空間學習經驗之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 12(1), 55-68。
A Study on Aging in Place: Learning Through Home Renovations
Lai, Y.-Y., Lee, Y.-H.
English Abstract Driven by socioeconomic stability and advanced healthcare availability, a growing senior population coupled with falling birth rates has transformed the traditional family structure, necessitating a shift in housing needs. Seniors should have the right to reside in a safe and healthy environment that allows for independence. Prioritizing “aging in place” allows seniors to remain independent and maintain well-being, potentially reducing the burden on social long-term care systems. However, adapting existing homes requires proactive planning, often starting in midlife through renovating a residential space to meet present and future needs. This study explores the experiential learning process of older adults who renovate their existing residential spaces. It utilizes Kolb’s theory to understand their quality of life and housing renovation needs and strategies, and to develop an experiential learning model for undertaking renovations. Through in-depth, semi-structured interviews with eight older adults who renovated after the age of 50, the research reveals key drivers such as creating more space, simplifying their lives, and improving their well-being. Renovation strategies include seeking advice, decluttering, updating accessories, improving organization, and repairing or replacing items. Positive outcomes of renovations include increased comfort, enjoyment of home, better flow of movement, enhanced safety, easier access to belongings, and a boost to social interaction. The findings offer valuable insights for seniors considering renovating their own houses.Keywords:senior, housing, space renovation, experiential learning, aging in place