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中文摘要 隨著知識技術的更新加速與高齡人口的增加,終身學習與跨領域課程是現今教育發展的趨勢,而代間方案的執行能有效提升世代間的相互支持與理解,為不同世代製造互動機會之活動,持續十年之久的「島嶼的集體記憶教學計畫」便是引導學生透過訪談促進對祖父母世代之理解,強化祖孫之情感連結,增進彼此學習改變的機會,將代間學習之精神實踐於課程中。本研究選用質性研究方法,採立意取樣邀請六位執行島嶼的集體記憶教學計畫之教師參與研究,並以半結構式訪談進行。研究結論:(1)課程發展動機主要原因是教師研習的啟發與感動,透過彈性的課程內容來促進世代對話與互動,增進觀察與提問練習有助於偏見的減少;(2)教師透過多元媒材來觸發學生對祖父母世代之好奇,藉由連結課程議題與多元訪談主題來增進學生對祖父母世代之理解,並用藝術創作的方式展現世代對話之收穫;(3)教師促進學生與不同世代相處之合適方式包含舉辦成果展、服務學習課程以及老化體驗,以改變學生對老化的刻板印象;(4)島記課程持續推動的關鍵是理念與課程議題的彈性結合以及資源成果的共享。
林秀儀、陳毓璟(2024)。 代間方案融入跨領域課程之個案研究-以「島嶼的集體記憶教學計畫」為例。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 12(1), 69-94。
Intergenerational Program Integrated into Interdisciplinary Curriculum: A Case Study of the Island’s Collective Memories Teaching Project
Lin, Hsiu-Yi, Chen, Stephanie Yu-ching
English Abstract The rapid advancement of knowledge and technology, coupled with a growing aging population, necessitates a paradigm shift in educational development. Lifelong learning initiatives and cross-disciplinary courses are becoming increasingly prevalent. The implementation of intergenerational programs can effectively enhance intergenerational understanding and support while fostering valuable opportunities for collaboration across generations. The Island’s Collective Memories Teaching Project empowers students to deepen their understanding of their grandparents through interviews, nurturing stronger emotional bonds, promoting opportunities for reciprocal learning and growth, and embodying the spirit of intergenerational learning within the curriculum. This qualitative study recruited six teachers implementing the project through purposive sampling. Semi-structured interviews were then conducted. The main conclusions of the research are: (1) Teacher engagement and emotional investment in their own learning drive curriculum development. Flexible content facilitates intergenerational dialogue and interaction, encouraging critical thinking and observation skills, ultimately reducing prejudice. (2) Diverse media can spark student curiosity about their grandparents' generation. Connecting course topics with interview themes deepens understanding, while artistic expression helps showcase the benefits of intergenerational dialogue. (3) Organizing achievement exhibitions, service-learning programs, and aging simulations can help students develop empathy and overcome age-related stereotypes. (4) Maintaining the Island Notes course requires flexibility in combining concepts and course topics. Cultivating resource and outcome sharing among educators is crucial for ongoing success.Keywords:intergenerational program, The Island’s Collective Memories Teaching Project, interdisciplinary curriculum.