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中文摘要 身心衰弱入住長期照顧機構的長者,常因溝通與體力因素,難與他人互動,生活適應力較差,照護人員又有時間及工作量限制,也難以安排讓長者自我表達及認知感官刺激的活動,使得長者發生「遷移壓力症候群」,有憂鬱、社交退縮的情形。目前市售產品較缺乏讓長者表達自我狀態,增進感官認知刺激功能之產品,因此本小組以「感官刺激及拼圖玩具」的概念出發,設計「我是誰?」產品,具備操作方便、多元功能、收納等特性,可讓照護人員適時帶領長者,一邊進行敘說自我生命歷程,一邊操作感官及認知刺激活動,提升長者認知、感官刺激功能及自尊,減少「遷移壓力症候群」產生。由於時間及經費限制,本產品僅初測及製作故事書草案,未能長期追蹤其成效,期許未來與廠商合作大量生產,以作為長照機構工作人員提供認知及感官活動之參考,或個別或團體人際互動之媒介。
廖宇婕、張凱雅、張季瑛、汪佳葳、蔡碧藍(2024)。 「我是誰?」—認知、感官刺激生命故事書創新產品。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 12(1), 95-111。
"Who am I?" - an Innovative Product of a Life Story Book that Offers Cognitive and Sensory Stimulation
Liao, Y.-C., Chang, K.-Y., Chang, C.-Y., Wang, J.-W., Tsai, P.-L.
English Abstract Elder individuals who are physically and mentally frail in long-term care facilities often face difficulties in interacting with others due to communication challenges and physical constraints. Their adaptability to life tends to be poorer; moreover, caregivers are usually constrained by time and workload, and they often find it challenging to arrange activities that allow elder adults to express themselves and engage in cognitive and sensory stimulation. This situation often leads to "relocation stress syndrome" among elder individuals, manifesting as depression and social withdrawal. Currently, commercially available products largely lack features that facilitate the expression of the ego state in elder adults and enhance the stimulation of their sensory and cognitive functions. Therefore, based on the concept of "sensory stimulation puzzle toys", our group designed the product "Who am I?", which offers ease of operation, multiple functionalities, and capability for storage. It provides caregivers with the means to guide elder individuals in narrating their life journeys while simultaneously engaging in sensory and cognitive-stimulating activities. This helps to boost sensory and cognitive functions, promotes self-esteem, and reduces the incidence of relocation stress syndrome among elder individuals. Unfortunately, due to time and financial constraints, we only managed to test this product initially and produce a draft version of the storybook without being able to track its long-term effectiveness. In the future, we look forward to working with manufacturers for mass production. The product will serve as a reference for long-term care facility staff in delivering cognitive and sensory activities or act as a medium for individual or group interactions.Keywords:sensory and cognitive stimulation activities, life review, relocation stress syndrome