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中文摘要 交通便利性是影響高齡者前往長照2.0據點意願的重要因素之一,本研究主要之目的在於應用空間型構理論分析各級長照據點之分布特性及其對於高齡者交通便利性之影響。具體研究是以萬華區為分析對象,因為其不僅為臺北市中老年人口比例最高之行政區,也有最多的中低收入戶人口。本研究首先彙整長照2.0計畫中各個層級據點之空間資訊,並以開放街圖為底圖將該萬華區之路網繪製成向量圖檔,再運用空間型構理論中之軸線分析工具,透過整體路網與各據點所屬區位之便捷值及深度值等,對其交通便利性進行比較分析。此外,本研究亦依據路網、行政區之里分界與據點位置的數值進行交叉分析,以探討各級據點在萬華地區之交通便利性。研究結果顯示:(1)長照2.0各級據點在設置上有其不同之目的,以萬華區為例,B級據點不僅數量較多,其在交通便利性上的表現也明顯優於其他級據點;(2)在萬華區高齡人口密度與老化指數較高之區域中,福音里、騰雲里與柳鄉里的高齡者至長照2.0據點具有較高的交通便利性,而忠貞里、新和里與華中里則反之,也因此在未來長照據點的增設上,應優先考量這些資源相對缺乏的區域。
黃光廷、劉苡芊(2024)。 以空間型構理論探討長照2.0據點之分布與其對高齡者交通便利性之影響。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 12(2), 123-139。
Using Space Syntax to Examine the Distribution of Long-Term Care Services 2.0 and Its Influence on Traffic Convenience for Elderly
K. T. Huang, Y.C. Liu
English Abstract Traffic convenience is one of the most important factors affecting the elderly's willingness to access the community care stations of Long-Term Care Service 2.0. This study employs Space Syntax to analyze the relationship between the road network and the distribution of community care stations of various levels, and explores its influence on traffic convenience for elderly people. In specific, Wanhua District is chosen as the study area for this study, due to its highest percentage of population aged 65 or above and the largest number of low-and-middle-income households as well. In this study, the first step is to collect the spatial data of community care stations of Long-Term Care Service 2.0. Following the conversion of OpenStreetMap into a vector map representing the local road network of Wanhua, the next step is to employ the tool of axial analysis in Space Syntax and use global integration, local integration, and depth values as three key indicators for assessing traffic convenience. In addition, this study also comparatively analyzes the structure of the road network, administrative boundaries of neighborhoods, and locations of community care stations for exploring their traffic convenience in relation to Wanhua District. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: (1) Community care stations of different levels have different functions. In the case of Wanhua District, Level-B not only outnumbers the others but also outperforms significantly in terms of traffic convenience. (2) Among the neighborhoods that have a higher density of elderly population and aging index in Wanhua District, Fuyin, Tengyun, and Liuxiang have relatively better access to the community care stations of Long-Term Care Service 2.0, while on the other hand, Zhongzhen, Xinhe, and Huazhong have demonstrated the opposite and therefore should be considered as the priority areas for resource allocation in the future.Keywords:Long-Term Care Service 2.0, aging, traffic convenience, space syntax, axial analysis