非接觸式生理量測系統於長照機構安寧緩和療護個案的應用- 以北部地區某榮民之家為例
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中文摘要 本文使用非接觸式生理量測系統於北部地區某榮民之家17位安寧緩和療護個案,自112年1月1日至112年12月31日止,驗證智慧照顧於此類長期照護機構住民的效益。使用結果發現:17位住民中,有7位在使用期間亡故,並以此裝置偵測到生命末期生命徵象變化,透過智慧裝置6位在榮民之家善終辭世。使用期間共偵測到1,500筆警訊通知,常見的臨床情境包含咳嗽、翻身後的呼吸變化、抽痰提醒、身體不適、臨終症狀。非接觸式生理量測系統有助於長期照顧中衰弱無法自主表達需求的個案「照顧提醒」,並且可以做為臨終症狀監測及善終指標參考。
洪嘉妙、史恩華、林明慧、張曉婷、楊博欽、吳佩儒(2025)。 非接觸式生理量測系統於長照機構安寧緩和療護個案的應用- 以北部地區某榮民之家為例。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 12(2), 171-178。
Application of non-contact physiological measurement system in hospice and palliative care cases in long-term care institutions - taking a veterans’ home in the northern region as an example
Hung, C. M., Shih, E. H., Lin, M. H., Chang, H. T., Yang, P. C., Wu, P. J.
English Abstract This article uses a non-contact physiological measurement system to examine 17 hospice and palliative care cases in a veteran home in the northern region from January 1 to December 31, 2023. We want to verify the utility of smart care in such long-term care institutions and benefits to residents. The results of the use showed that 7 of the 17 residents died during observational time. The device can detect end-of-life changes, and 6 died in the Veterans Home. The average care time from the reception of the case to the death of palliative care was 17.8 months (range 0.25-35 months). The non-contact physiological measurement system can be used as a “care reminder” for patients who are too weak to express their needs in long-term care. It can also be used as a reference for end-of-life symptom monitoring and good death indicators.Keywords:Non-contact physiological measurement system, veteran’s home, hospice and palliative care, smart care.