張簡琳玲 林佩蓉 陳永詮 王壬傑 巫紹佑 林坤炳
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中文摘要 本文作品榮獲「第三屆全國大學老人福祉科技產品/服務創意設計競賽」銀牌獎 失智症(Dementia)是後天大腦認知功能退化的病症,好發於六十五歲以上的老年人。持續保持腦力活動,對失智症能夠達到最有效的預防,此外失智症早期診斷治療及早期患者家屬之介入,也有極佳效益。本研究考量長者生活習性與體能狀態設計一套「K-Box互動式訓練系統」,長者使用時不但能刺激腦部活動,也能達到體驗、消遣、娛樂效果。本系統結合體感互動技術Kinect,融合圖像式操作介面,並且加入語音引導功能,讓長者得以輕鬆學習操作與使用;本系統並且可以錄製親人的聲音在遊戲中播放,讓平常在外工作的子女聲音陪伴父母親,猶如親身陪伴身邊。本研究依循「簡短智能測驗(Mini-Mental State Examination; MMSE)」之五大核心面向,包括定向力、訊息登錄、短期記憶、注意力與計算力、以及語言理解與操作能力等,發展適合長者的體感遊戲,希望藉由遊戲促進腦力活動,並維持長者的手眼協調與記憶思考能力。
張簡琳玲, 林佩蓉, 陳永詮, 王壬傑, 巫紹佑, 林坤炳(2014)。 體感裝置應用於長者互動式訓練系統-銀髮長者的樂活K-Box。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(2), 123-128。
K-Box: An interactive training system for seniors
L-L. ChangChine, P-J. Lin, Y-Q. Chen, R-J. Wang, S-Y. Wu, K-B. Lin
English Abstract Dementia is characterized by decreased cognitive functions beyond normal aging, usually
associated with behavioral disturbance and other mental health disorders. In Taiwan, the
prevalence of dementia becomes higher, resulting in a huge and negative impact on
personal health. The "mini mental state examination (MMSE)" is commonly used for
screening cognitive function. The MMSE provides measures of orientation, registration
(immediate memory), short-term memory (but not long-term memory) as well as language
functioning, which can be used to indicate the presence of cognitive impairment, such as
in a person with suspected dementia. This research applies Kinect motion-sensing
technology and voice guidance to develop K-Box, an interactive training system for
seniors. Through answering questions designed based on the 5 core dimensions suggested
by the MMSE using body motions, this system aims to maintain the active lifestyle for
seniors as well as to reduce the risk of developing dementia. To respond to the declines
physical and sensory capabilities of seniors, K-Box provides a natural user interface
that allows seniors to interact intuitively, and is easy and friendly to operate. Pre-
recorded messages by the children and family members are used in the voice guidance to
provide positive feedback and motivation to the seniors for using the system.Keywords:dementia, MMSE, motion-sensing technology, voice guidance