「智慧科技落地應用於高齡照顧」推動模式與 113 年計畫成果
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中文摘要 為加速達成智慧科技產品落地應用在高齡照顧,國家衛生研究院(以下簡稱國衛院)自 2023
本計畫 113 年度建立了以照顧者為主體「推動智慧科技落地應用於高齡照顧」模式,在改變行
為的 3E 模式,「Enlighten(使察覺/了解)」、「Encourage(鼓勵起而行)」、「Enable(使有能力)」,
本計畫在此架構下設計了 10 項工作,最後目的期望能創造照顧者使用智慧照顧產品/服務的動機與
本年度計畫完整執行這項模式,試行結果十分成功,本計畫 112、113 年執行下來,共推廣至
全台 17 家機構成功導入智慧照顧產品/服務,包括 4 家離島偏鄉機構。執行過程中本計畫並同時對
42 件計畫書,正在評審過程中,預計選出一般區域正取機構 8 家、備取 1 家,山地離島偏鄉機構
正取 4 家,備取 1 家。本計畫同樣模式將持續執行 3 年,並建立「推動智慧科技應用於高齡照顧
聯盟」,目前已有超過 100 家機構參與,期望能更擴大推廣智慧科技應用於高齡照顧,造成顯著社
徐業良(2025)。 「智慧科技落地應用於高齡照顧」推動模式與 113 年計畫成果。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 13(0), 1-23。
English Abstract To accelerate the implementation of smart technology products in aged care, the National Health
Research Institutes (NHRI) began the “Promotion of Smart Technology Applications in Aged Care
Cooperation Program” in 2023. The main focus of the program is the recruitment, review, and execution of the “Institutional Introduction of Smart Technology in Aged Care” project (hereinafter referred to as the
“Introduction Project”). The project adopts a caregiver-centered guidance model, where institutions analyze
their caregiving issues, needs, and application scenarios. They plan to introduce existing smart technology
products into their caregiving processes by submitting project proposals. The project’s key focus is how to
integrate smart technology products into routine caregiving processes in institutions while investing
resources to improve caregivers’ technological application skills and literacy, enabling them to manage and
maintain these products independently in the long term.
For relevant vendors, this project provides an opportunity to create initial sales achievements and
usage cases for innovative smart technology caregiving products. The test results from caregiving
institutions serve as feedback for vendors, helping them optimize product functions and service processes,
thereby increasing the commercialization maturity of their products. This, in turn, promotes industry
development and provides more diverse, high-quality, and affordable smart technology caregiving products
and services, establishing a model for promoting smart technology applications in elderly care.
In the 2024 fiscal year, the project established a caregiver-centered model for “Promoting the
Grounded Application of Smart Technology in Elderly Care,” following the 3E behavior change model:
“Enlighten” (to raise awareness and understanding), “Encourage” (to motivate action), and “Enable” (to
empower capability). Under this framework, the program designed 10 key tasks. The ultimate goal is to
create motivation and successful experiences for caregivers using smart caregiving products and services,
ensuring their sustainable application. This year, the program fully implemented this model, and the pilot
results were highly successful. The project has successfully introduced smart caregiving products/services
to 17 institutions across Taiwan, including 4 institutions in remote and offshore areas. During the
implementation, various questionnaires were distributed to caregivers in the institutions regarding their
experiences with smart technology products/services. After introduction, the results show significant
improvements in caregivers’ perceptions of product applicability, ease of use, quality, sustainability, and
usage motivation.
In the third year of the introduction program, 42 proposals were submitted, and the review process is
currently ongoing. It is expected that 8 institutions from general areas will be selected for implementation,
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