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中文摘要 背景:全球逐步邁入高齡社會,伴隨著長者的健康照護需求增加,輔助治療也逐漸受到關注,其中園藝治療是安全可期的方式之一,透過接觸自然元素的過程,增進個體的心理健康、提升希望及幸福感受等健康福祉。本研究將依實證照護文獻搜尋策略,進行最佳證據文獻評讀後,採取實證照護設計的介入方案,進而探討室內園藝活動方案介入對社區據點長者幸福感及希望感的臨床實務應用之成效。方法:本初探研究採單組前、後測設計,實證方案為室內園藝活動,為期八週,每週一次,每次120分鐘,透過結構化的活動規劃(進行單元主題介紹、示範和實作,以及質性回饋)三階段進行,測量工具使用Five Well-Being Index(WHO-5)及Herth Hope Index(HHI),量性資料採取Wilcoxon符號等級檢定分析,同時將學員參與活動的質性回饋資料,再以文字雲進行分析。結果:本初探研究結果顯示,室內園藝活動方案可以增加心理健康高風險族群者之幸福感,但於希望感未具顯著效果;參與長者的質性回饋感受,進行詞頻統計後,排序前三位的字詞分別為「希望」、「幸福」及「快樂」,呈現參與長者對此方案之正向情緒感受,且活動以多肉植栽及植物拓印兩項最受長者們的喜愛。結論:本社區實證照護活動作為提升社區長者的幸福感是可行的方案,且活動過程可見團體間長者彼此相互支持,故本實證方案具有社區推廣的參考價值。
胡秋鳳、郭宥騏、徐子期、謝佳容(2025)。 初探室內園藝活動介入對社區據點長者幸福感及希望感之實證成效。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 13(1), 1-18。
Feasibility Exploratory Analysis of Indoor Horticultural Activity Intervention on the Happiness and Hope of Elderly Individuals at Community Care Centers
Qiu-Feng, Hu、Yu-Chi, Kuo、Tzu-Chi, Hsu、Chia-Jung, Hsieh
English Abstract Background: The global population is aging, the demand for health care for the elderly has increased, and supportive therapies are gaining attention. Horticultural activity is considered a safe and promising approach, enhancing mental health and promoting well-being by exposing individuals to natural elements. This study aims to explore the empirical effects of an indoor horticultural program to improve the well-being and hope of older adults in the community. Following a literature search strategy based on evidence-based care, the best available evidence will be reviewed, and an evidence-based intervention design will be implemented. Method: This exploratory study was adopted a single-group pre-test/post-test experimental design, the 8-week indoor horticultural program intervention comprised 120-minute weekly sessions involving the structured activities include thematic introductions, demonstrations, practical work, and qualitative feedback in three stages. Measurement tools include the Five Well-Being Index (WHO-5) and Herth Hope Index (HHI). Quantitative data was analyzed using Wilcoxon signed-rank test, while qualitative feedback was subject to word cloud analysis. Results: The preliminary findings indicate that the indoor horticultural activity intervention can enhance the well-being of elderly individuals at high risk for mental health issues, although there was no significant effect on hope. Qualitative feedback analysis revealed that the top three words associated with participants' experiences were "hope," "happiness," and "joy," indicating a positive emotional response to the program. Activities involving succulent planting and plant printing were particularly favored by the participants. Conclusion: This community-based evidence-based intervention appears to be a feasible approach to enhancing the well-being of elderly residents. The interactions during the activities foster mutual support among the elderly, suggesting that this program holds significant value for community promotion.Keywords:horticultural activity; older adults; well-being; sense of hope; evidence-based practice