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中文摘要 全球人口高齡化我國即將邁入超高齡社會,未來照護需求遽增,長照主要提供服務之照顧服務員(以下簡稱為照服員),因勞動條件困境影響易導致工作倦怠而照護人力不穩定,可能影響中高齡服務使用者接受服務之品質,如何留任人員為維繫長照服務的重要關鍵。本研究以中部地區五縣市在職照服員為研究對象,探討照服員心理資本在工作壓力與工作倦怠間之中介效果,採問卷調查法,共回收515份有效問卷。本研究結果之主要發現:照服員工作中對工作內容的控制程度、長照單位及自身服務單位的支持度,為影響工作壓力的主要因素來源;照服員的工作壓力感愈大,工作倦怠感愈大,工作壓力愈高則心理資本愈高;照服員於工作中產生的工作倦怠,受到個人整體的疲勞感受與因工作所引起的疲勞感受,為主要影響因素;照服員之心理資本在工作壓力與工作倦怠間具部分中介效果達顯著性。根據研究結論提出建議供照服員、照服員督導及長照機構單位參考。
詹琪美、賴弘基(2025)。 照顧服務員心理資本在工作壓力與工作倦怠間之中介效果。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 13(1), 1-27。
The mediating effect of psychological capital on the relationship between work stress and job burnout among of Nurse Aides
Chan, C.-M.、 Lai, H.-J.
English Abstract Nurse Aides are recommended for caregiver services. With the global aging population, our country is soon to enter an era of super-aging society. The demand for care services will sharply increase in the future. Caregivers (hereinafter referred to as "Nurse Aides") play a crucial role in long-term care services. However, due to labor conditions, they often experience work fatigue, leading to unstable caregiving manpower. This instability may affect the quality of services received by middle-aged and elderly service users. Retaining personnel is therefore vital for maintaining the quality of long-term care services. This study focuses on employed Nurse Aides in five counties and cities in the central region of Taiwan, investigating the mediating effect of Nurse Aides' psychological capital between work stress and work fatigue. A structural questionnaire was used as the survey tool, with a total of 515 valid responses collected. The main findings of this study are as follows: The degree of control over work content, support from long-term care units and one's own service unit are the main sources affecting work stress for Nurse Aides. The greater the work stress felt by Nurse Aides, the greater the sense of work fatigue. Higher work stress is associated with higher psychological capital. Work fatigue experienced by Nurse Aides is mainly influenced by overall personal fatigue and fatigue caused by work. The psychological capital of Nurse Aides partially mediates between work stress and work fatigue, with significant effects. Based on the research conclusions, recommendations are provided for Nurse Aides, their supervisors, and long-term care institutions to consider.Keywords:Nurse Aides, work stress, work fatigue, psychological capital, mediating effect