導入科技接受模式與PDCA循環改善 藉以提升高齡者行動裝置App教學課程滿意度之研究
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中文摘要 隨著科技的快速發展,行動裝置搭配App使用已然成為一個功能強大且便於攜帶的日常生活輔助工具。然而,在既往的教學經驗中得知高齡者對行動裝置的使用及App的學習難度較高並感到恐懼,因此本研究與有合作關係之社區據點配合進行App教學課程,對象為社區據點的高齡者。課程除了講解行動裝置基本知識外,尚規劃App教學,包含二維碼(QR-Code)掃描、線上視訊會議GoogleMeet與醫院就診掛號用App,並利用科技接受模式為理論基礎設計問卷滿意度題目,於課程結束後進行問卷填寫同時舉辦座談討論以充分得知高齡者回饋與滿意度分數,最後以PDCA方法循環進行課程調整與改善。在檢視18場次課程結束後的滿意度分數後,除了第1場次為60分,後共有9場次為滿分100分,有8場次超過80分。而以PDCA方法進行課程改善方面則觀察到降低講課時間並提高實作時間,同時分組進行且由講師與助教從旁指導將有良好成果。藉由科技接受模式角度分析整理問卷與座談回饋,除滿意度外尚發現影響高齡者的行動裝置與App學習外部因素在於無法得到家庭成員的協助,並且額外發現高齡者對自身操作可能毀損行動裝置感到恐懼。
蔡明冀、鄭秦佳、蔡俐慧(2025)。 導入科技接受模式與PDCA循環改善 藉以提升高齡者行動裝置App教學課程滿意度之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 13(1), 1-18。
Introducing Technology Acceptance Model and PDCA Iterative Improvement to Enhance Satisfaction in Mobile Device App Instruction Courses for the Elderly
Tsai, M.-C., Cheng, C.-C, Tsai, L.-H
English Abstract With the rapid advancement of technology, mobile devices (referring to smartphones and tablets running Google Android or Apple iOS systems in this study) paired with Applications (referred to herein as Apps installed on mobile devices) have become powerful and portable aids for daily life. However, from previous teaching experiences, it has been observed that elderly individuals face greater difficulties and fears in using mobile devices and learning Apps. Therefore, this study collaborated with community centers to conduct App instruction courses targeting elderly individuals in those communities. The courses not only taught basic knowledge of mobile devices but also included instruction on QR code scanning and Applications, online video conferencing, and hospital Appointment scheduling Apps. Satisfaction questionnaire items were designed using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and questionnaires were administered at the end of the courses, followed by discussions to fully understand feedback and satisfaction scores from the elderly participants. Subsequently, the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) method was employed to iteratively adjust and improve the courses. Examining satisfaction scores after 18 course sessions, 9 sessions achieved a perfect score of 100, and 8 sessions scored above 80. Improvements in the courses through the PDCA method included reducing lecture time, increasing hands-on practice time, and conducting group activities with guidance from instructors and assistants, which yielded positive outcomes. Finally, through questionnaire analysis and feedback discussions, it was found that external factors affecting elderly learning included a lack of guidance from family and friends and fear of damaging their own mobile devices during operation.Keywords:Technology Acceptance Model, elderly, PDCA, App, mobile devices