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中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解高齡者對第二型糖尿病的認知程度、飲食習慣行為與自我管理能力,並探討相關因素對其影響,研究參與者為65歲以上之高齡者進行問卷調查及訪談,分別在問卷部分發放了170份,回收142份,回收率約83%,經人工篩選剃除無效問卷後,有效問卷為129份,有效問卷率約90%;質性訪談則是對十位高齡者進行研究,其中6位女性、4位男性,職業包含教師、公務人員、金融服務業等之退休高齡者,而家庭收入則以4位收入約6萬至8萬之間,6位收入約在8萬至10萬之間,多數沒有吸菸以及飲酒習慣之高齡者。
楊蕙芬(2025)。 高齡者對於第二型糖尿病認知預防、自我管理與飲食行為之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 13(1), 1-29。
A study on self-management and eating behavior of type 2 diabetes in the elderly
Yang, H.-F.
English Abstract This study aimed to understand the cognition, eating habits and self-management ability of elderly people with type 2 diabetes, and to explore the influence of related factors. The study participants conducted questionnaires and interviews for elderly people over 65 years old, 170 questionnaires were distributed in the questionnaire part, 142 copies were recovered, the recovery rate was about 83%, and after manual screening and shaving of invalid questionnaires, 129 valid questionnaires were obtained, and the effective questionnaire rate was about 90%; Qualitative interviews were conducted on ten older people.
The results of the study show that the elderly have a certain lack of understanding of diabetes, and their understanding of the basic knowledge, etiology, symptoms and preventive measures of the disease is limited. In particular, the causes and symptoms of diabetes are unclear among many elderly people, and the knowledge of diabetes prevention and control measures needs to be improved. The study also found that there is diversity in the eating habits of older people, but it also includes some poor eating habits that may increase the risk of diabetes. However, some elderly people have certain control over their diet, avoid fried foods and sweets, prefer to choose a light diet, and pay attention to reducing the sweetness, salt and fat content of food. In terms of self-management ability, the study found that the elderly with higher education level are usually able to actively take relevant measures to manage the disease, have a deeper knowledge and understanding of the disease, and are willing to follow the doctor's instructions to control diet, take medication and make lifestyle changes. There are also some older people who lack a comprehensive understanding of the disease, and they may overlook the importance of diet and lifestyle for disease control. Some elderly people experience difficulties in self-management due to factors such as memory loss or physical function decline.
This study recommends that diabetes education and publicity be strengthened, and the elderly should improve their disease awareness and dietary control to improve the health status of the elderly, and that medical institutions and social organizations should provide more support and resources to assist the elderly in managing the disease. This includes providing clear health information, developing good eating habits, encouraging moderate exercise and providing appropriate social support. Only through comprehensive efforts can we help the elderly to better cope with diabetes and improve their quality of life.Keywords:Older age, type 2 diabetes, cognitive level, eating habits, self-management ability