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中文摘要 全球高齡化的趨勢已成為臺灣社會關注之議題,面對人口快速老化,這樣的人口發展趨勢,凸顯高齡者健康與社會照顧的重要性,政府推動各項高齡者福利服務因應措施,滿足高齡者的需求;其中為了滿足高齡者的營養需求,提供高齡者營養餐食服務。本研究應用績效評估矩陣和失效模式與效應分析,透過問卷調查評估高齡者對於營養餐食服務的重要度與滿意度項目,問卷主要分成「服務品質」、「食物品質」跟「環境氣氛」三個構面,以金門地區盤山村、榜林村、古寧村為研究基地,採立意抽樣,並經口頭解釋問卷,共得117份有效問卷。經實證分析結果發現:研究基地之高齡者營養餐食重要度滿意度績效評估矩陣分析,結果共有二項落在「改善區」,分別為「用餐區座位設計是舒服的」、「用餐區燈光照明是協調、舒服的」,研究結果呈現,二項皆為與環境氣氛相關之問題。最後邀請專家學者進行失效模式與效應分析,排列出優先改善順序為「用餐區座位設計是舒服的」、「用餐區燈光照明是協調、舒服的」。
葉子明、呂曉媛、鄭以鈴、彭嘉洋、許維玲(2025)。 金門地區中高齡長者社區共餐服務滿意度之調查研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 13(1), 1-23。
A Study on the Satisfaction of Community Meal Services for Middle-aged and Elderly People in Kinmen
Yeh, T.-M., Lu, H.-Y., Cheng, Y.-L., Peng, C.-Y., Hsu, Y.-L.
English Abstract The global trend of aging has become a significant issue of concern for Taiwanese society. In the face of rapid population aging, this demographic trend highlights the importance of health and social care for the elderly. The government has implemented various welfare services and measures to meet the needs of the elderly, including providing nutritional meal services to satisfy their dietary needs. This study applies the Performance Evaluation Matrix and Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) to assess the importance and satisfaction of elderly individuals regarding nutritional meal services through a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire is divided into three dimensions: "Service Quality," "Food Quality," and "Environmental Atmosphere." The study is based in Panshan Village, Banglin Village, and Guning Village in the Kinmen area, utilizing purposive sampling and verbal explanations of the questionnaire. A total of 117 valid questionnaires were collected. The empirical analysis results show that in the importance-satisfaction performance evaluation matrix of elderly nutritional meal services in the study area, two items fall into the "improvement zone": "The seating design in the dining area is comfortable" and "The lighting in the dining area is coordinated and comfortable." The findings indicate that both issues are related to the environmental atmosphere. Finally, experts and scholars were invited to conduct Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), which prioritized the improvements as follows: "The seating design in the dining area is comfortable" and "The lighting in the dining area is coordinated and comfortable."Keywords:Community Meal, Aging Population, Service Satisfaction, Performance Evaluation Matrix, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)