許聰鑫 王國明 林惟秋
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中文摘要 本文以銀髮族國外旅遊行為意圖為研究標的,在全省16縣市發放問卷,回收750份有效的銀髮族問卷。研究工具採用結構方程模式分析方法,進行測量模式與結構模式的驗證。以理性行為理論(TRA)為基礎,並增加「欲望」構面,形成自我調整理論(TSR)模式。TSR強調情感性動機因素「欲望」中介了態度對意圖的影響,並藉以強化行為意圖的解釋。研究結果證明TSR模式的預測力優於TRA模式。整體的研究結果顯現「態度」、「欲望」、「主觀規範」等構面對銀髮族的國外旅遊行為意圖均有顯著的影響關係存在。故而激發二項管理意涵:一、爭取國外旅遊行為的正面態度評價,以激起情感性的欲望;二、「主觀規範」是影響銀髮族國外旅遊行為意圖的最重要因子。
許聰鑫, 王國明, 林惟秋(2014)。 銀髮族國外旅遊行為意圖影響關係探討–兼論自我調整模式預測適用性。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(2), 141-152。
Exploring the factors affecting Taiwan seniors’ overseas traveling intension – An assessment of the theory of self-regulation model
Sheu, T.-S. , Wang, K.-M. , Lin, W.-Q.
English Abstract Based on the theory of reasoned action (TRA), the theory of self-regulation (TSR) includes construct “desire” to mediate the effect of “attitude” on behavior intension, and thus enhances the prediction of behavior intention. With the overseas traveling intension of seniors (aged 65 and above) as the research subject, this study verifies the superiority of TSR model in predicting behavior intension than TRA model. Study results show that “attitude”, “desire”, and “subjective norm” are influential in predicting senior group’s overseas traveling intensions. Two practical implications are thus inherently induced: first, acquiring the positive attitude on overseas traveling to further raising the emotional desire of overseas traveling; secondly, “subjective norm” is the most influential factor in influencing senior group’s overseas traveling intensions.Keywords:theory of reasoned action, theory of self-regulation, senior, traveling intention