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中文摘要 因應老人福祉科技產業的蓬勃發展,人才培育也顯得日益重要。本研究以元智大學老人福祉科技跨域產業學程的「老人福祉科技概論」課程為例,介紹老人福祉科技基礎課程之設計與實施。課程主題涵蓋高齡者的健康與自尊、居家與日常活動、溝通與治理、行動力與運輸、工作與休閒等諸多領域,鼓勵學生從多面向了解老化對於日常生活的影響,藉此培養同理心與社會關懷,並透過跨領域的腦力激盪思考如何將科技應用於這些議題的解決,以促進高齡者的生活福祉。除了主題講授與分組討論,本課程亦舉辦高齡模擬體驗、企業參訪、服務學習、代間學習等特色活動,以激發學習的興趣與動機、引領學生深入探究老人福祉科技的進階知識與技能。
盧俊銘(2014)。 老人福祉科技基礎課程之設計與實施。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(2), 171-178。
Design and Implementation of the Introductory Course of Gerontechnology
Lu, J.-M.
English Abstract In reaction to the rapid growth of the Gerontechnology industry, human resource development is becoming more and more important. In this study, the design and implementation of the introductory course of the Gerontechnology program in Yuan Ze University is presented. The topics cover health and self-esteem, housing and daily activities, communication and governance, mobility and transport, and work and leisure of older adults. By understanding the effects of aging on these issues, the students are expected to develop the empathy toward older adults and the ability of social care. In addition, the interdisciplinary discussions inspire them to create effective problem-solving experiences regarding technology applications for improving the welfare of older adults. Moreover, activities including the “eldpathy” program, site visits, service learning, and inter-generational learning further provide the students with stronger interest and motivation to encourage them to study in this filed.Keywords:Gerontechnology, interdisciplinary learning, empathy