行孝道、步人生 竹杖輕勝馬,昂首闊步行-具水平調整之助行器設計
紀偉民 黃建華 徐仲楠 黃振嘉 裴駿
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中文摘要 使用標準助行器碰到斜坡及高低差地形時,會因身體平衡問題而造成跌倒受傷意外,為使助行器能有效克服斜坡地形,本研究完成新型具水平調整之助行器雛型製作及功能驗證。此新型助行器具有機構簡單、重量輕、操作便利及可靠度高等有利於銀髮族使用者之優點。功能驗證實驗以VICON動作分析系統及生物力學分析系統(上肢施力感測器及力板)等設備,進行使用水平調整助行器與標準型助行器於上下斜坡之步態分析比較。主要量測使用者上、下肢體關節所承受之力矩與人體重心投影點之左右位移量,以評估水平調整之助行器功能性及穩定性。驗證結果顯示使用水平調整助行器在上坡時,會比使用標準助行器時提供更高的上肢支撐力矩及較低的下肢負荷力矩;於下坡時,可降低膝關節負荷力矩。在人體重心投影點之左右位移量,不論上、下坡,使用水平調整之助行器都較標準助行器有較小位移,代表水平調整之助行器有較高的穩定度。
紀偉民, 黃建華, 徐仲楠, 黃振嘉, 裴駿(2013)。 行孝道、步人生 竹杖輕勝馬,昂首闊步行-具水平調整之助行器設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 1(1), 93-100。
A Novel Walker with Build-in Horizontal Adjustment for Slopes
Chi, W.-M., Huang, C.-H., Hsu, C.-N., Haung, Z.-J., Pei, C.
English Abstract Assistive devices-Walkers increase the mobility of a person with lower limb disabilities or poor balance. Users need to have good function in their upper limbs. In Taiwan, 47% of common assistive devices are walkers and canes; but users of these devices have a higher risk of injury or falls than wheelchair users. The regular type of walker used by patients in Taiwan often causes users to lose their balance and fall. The users cannot keep the center line of their body and the line of their body’s center of gravity parallel while they walk on slopes with a regular walker; also, walkers and canes do not provide sufficient support points for walking on stairs. We developed and evaluated a new walker with build-in horizontal adjustment that helps the user to overcome slopes and stairs. When the user walks with the new walker, the user simply adjusts the angle of the handles by holding the handle switches to keep the handles horizontal, allowing the user to maintain their balance with a normal walking position on slopes. The major procedures of the test are: (1) comparison of gait of users with the regular walkers and the new walkers using the Vicon motion analysis system (Oxford Metrics, Oxford, England) as well as a biomechanics analysis system; (2) calculation of the supporting moments of upper and lower limbs of persons using the new and the regular walkers. The results show: during ascent, the new walker can provide more support moments for the upper limbs than a regular walker. In descent, the new walker can reduce loading moments. In conclusion, the new walker is more stable, convenient and safer than the regular one. Also, the data analysis results can provide as an important index for continuing efforts to modify the new walker.Keywords:Walker, GAIT analysis, Joint moment, Build-in horizontal adjustment