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中文摘要 高齡社會相關主題的研究在國內各大學越來越受到重視,許多不同領域教授從各個角度關心高齡社會問題,提出相關研究。我們在科技部網站以「老人」、「老齡」、「高齡」、「銀髮」等關鍵字在「計畫名稱」搜尋,找到科技部103年度通過補助104件相關研究計畫,由52所不同大學執行,包括工程技術、人文社會、生物科學、科學教育、自然科學等領域,總金額近一億元。高齡社會議題本來就屬於跨領域研究,不同領域之間更需要良好的橫向瞭解與聯繫,因此本學刊規劃「應對高齡社會相關研究計畫」專題,邀請科技部研究計畫主持人將其計畫書「中英文摘要」和「研究計畫之背景及目的」兩部份分享刊登於本學刊,期望提供國內在此領域相關研究者互相觀摩、瞭解,進而促成團隊之間的合作。本專題規劃以三期製作,本期刊登「工程技術類」計畫書。
徐業良(2014)。 「應對高齡社會相關研究計畫」專題。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(3), 179-182。
Editorial: Special topic on “research projects related to aged society”
Hsu, Y.-L.
English Abstract Research related to aged society has received more attention in universities in Taiwan. Professors from various disciplines raise research issues from different perspectives. We use “elderly”, “older adults”, “old age” as keywords to search in the titles of research projects approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, and found 104 research projects approved in 2014. These projects are conducted in 52 different universities, with total budget of about NT 100,000,000. This special topic on “research projects related to aged society” invites the principle investigators or the approved research projects to share the abstract and “background and research purpose” of their proposals, and intends to provide more understanding and communications between research teams and facilitate further collaborations. There will be 3 issues devoting to this special topic. This issue publishes engineering related research proposals.Keywords:aged society, research projects, interdisciplinary research