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中文摘要 因應高齡化潮流,世界衛生組織(WHO)提出「活躍老化」願景,期望銀髮族可透過生命體驗身體、社會與心理健全的潛力,同時透過社會參與,在需要的時間點可獲得適當的保護、安全與照顧。本二年期研究計畫「針對失智症/銀髮族設計以地理圍欄為省電基礎之穿戴式運動紀錄裝置」依據活躍老化的精神,研究目標為設計並實作一個可讓失智症/銀髮族長期保持運動習慣的穿戴式運動紀錄裝置。在第一年中,我們強調所設計的穿戴式裝置如何達成追蹤運動軌跡與肢體活動,不同於過去研究,在本次計畫將使用彎曲感測器來感測關節的活動,並進而識別出肢體活動。在第二年中,我們強調所設計的穿戴式裝置如何達成追蹤(1)運動強度:透過測量心率來換算運動強度、(2)身體平衡:透過測量步態來取得身體平衡程度。除此之外,為了延長運動紀錄時間,本次計畫將利用地理圍欄概念設計一套定位省電機制,減少不必要的定位耗電,同時維持原本的定位準確度。
李昭賢(2014)。 針對失智症/銀髮族設計以地理圍欄為省電基礎之穿戴式運動紀錄裝置。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(3), 191-200。
A wearable exercise tracking device using the geofence-based power efficient mechanism for elders with/without dementia
Lee, Chao-Hsien
English Abstract Due to the global trend of population ageing, active ageing proposed by World Health Organization allows people to realize their potential for physical, social and mental well-being throughout the life course. At the same time, by participating in society, people can accept adequate protection, security and care when they need. Based on the essence of active ageing, the goal of this project is to design and implement a wearable exercise tracking device to let elders with/without mild dementia keep exercise in a long term. In the 1st year of this project, we focus on how to track the exercise trajectory and the body activity. Different from previous work, we utilize flex sensors to detect the range of motion of joints and then recognize the corresponding body activity. In the 2nd year of this project, we focus on how to record (1) the exercise intensity, which is measured based on the heart rate, and (2) the body balance, which can be detected from the gait. Furthermore, we design a geofence-based power efficient mechanism to reduce unnecessary power consumption for positioning and then keep the required positioning accuracy.Keywords:elderly, mild dementia, geofence, exercise tracking, power saving