林久翔 鄭來宇 何穗華 陳宏仁
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中文摘要 聯合國大會在1991年通過之「聯合國老人綱領」中,特別提到「老人應有選擇適合生活住所的人權,並且包括對老人的尊重與生活品質的重視」。醫學研究顯示,高齡者持續住在熟悉的環境中,對降低老人智慧退化症之發生及減輕其惡化程度有明顯幫助,因此有「在宅老化(aging in place)」的概念,即使用在地資源照顧老人,讓老人在熟悉的地方自然老化。依據美國研究資料顯示,當老人比例低於10%時,選擇機構式照顧的策略較經濟,但根據經建會推估,未來台灣高齡者佔總人口比例,在2031年將達到20%或甚至將更多時,則老年者居住必須以「在宅化」為策略目標,否則社會將無法負擔。綜合以上社會學及醫學等各觀點,本研究認為應將老年者居住安排應以在宅就地老化為高齡者安居之願景,並且以居家生活最常活動之客廳及透過電視系統為活動媒介,並且整合高齡者居家服務需求,建置演進式高齡智慧型互動服務系統,暫名為-樂齡天使,以協助實現成功在宅或居家老化(aging in house)為目的。以提升老人居家的生活品質為出發點,本研究建構以人為本位樂齡天使互動服務系統,整合演進式高齡者生理、心理、認知、社會、環境、醫療各層次為基礎,探討高齡者食、衣、住、行、育、樂日常居家服務需求,例如居家活動、購物、社交、學習、醫療服務等,並配合使用者為中心之服務體驗工程方法論(User-central Service Experience Engineering, SEE),彙整演進式高齡者居家行為模式,以進行演進式高齡者居家服務潛在的需求分析,構建並驗證一套高齡者居家生活服務模式與互動平台。本研究三個年度內容如下:第一年調查演進式高齡居家生活用戶體驗與建構服務模式,研究內容包括:透過演進式高齡者用戶研究,建立演進式高齡人物角色模型、並以該人物角色型定義演進式高齡居家生活用戶體驗需求並建構其居家生活服務模式。第二年研究主軸為建置演進式高齡智慧型互動系統模型,將第一年之演進式高齡居家生活用戶體驗需求成果轉化為居家生活智慧型互動系統功能,定義其互動框架、系統介面與視覺設計,建置演進式高齡居家生活智慧型互動系統模型。第三年則進行演進式高齡智慧型互動系統之優使性評估以及驗證服務模式,首先建構演進式高齡居家生活情境劇本、關鍵任務與評量指標,再以此為基礎進行演進式高齡居家生活智慧型互動系統優使性評估,並驗證第一年所提出之演進式高齡居家生活服務模式。
林久翔, 鄭來宇, 何穗華, 陳宏仁(2014)。 建構演進式高齡者居家生活智慧型互動系統。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(3), 221-228。
Developing an intelligent and interactive service system for progressive aging in house
Lin, J.-C., Jeng, L.-Y., Ho, S.-H., Chen, H.-R.
English Abstract According to the United Nations Principles for Older People report, it was pointed out that respect and quality of life of the elderly must be emphasized when dealing with aging societies. Medical research has shown that staying in a familiar environment helps the elderly cope with memory decay and related illnesses. It is estimated that the aging population will reach at least 20% in 2031. Aging in place will be a major goal that will help to reduce the loading of social and medical care of the elderly in the social houses or hospitals.
The present study aims to propose an elderly service model that focuses on aging in house where the elderly stay in a familiar place and continue to be cared and served as they become older in a goal to optimize the use of medical and service resources. The proposed study will look into the physiological, psychological, cognitive, social, medical, and environmental aspects of aging. It will also integrate the daily living needs including food, clothing, room, transportation, education, and entertainment into a service model that facilitates living activities, shopping, social, learning, and medical services. The proposed study will utilize User-central Service Experience Engineering methodology that integrates human factors, user experience, and service engineering in observing, obtaining, and modeling the behaviors and needs of the progressive elderly. A prototype of an interactive and intelligent television interface will be built and tested based on usability and user experience principles.
Specifically, the objectives of the first year project are to investigate the user experience of the elderly while living in house and develop a aging in place model of service based on the needs of the elderly. The second year will then develop and build an intelligent and interactive interface that can be used with the touch smart TV system based on the service model of the first year. The third year will be focused on the usability testing and validation and verification of the service model and the interactive TV interface that has been built for a successful and progressive aging life.Keywords:progressive aging, aging in place, interactive and intelligent TV interface, service modeling, user experience