林伯星 李依蓉
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中文摘要 在科技發展迅速的現代,遠距醫療在近年來已是一個被廣為討論的研究主題,無論是使用手機、電腦或電視來當資料傳輸媒界,都有許多相關的研究。我們可以在家紀錄多項生理資訊並且回報,而不需舟車勞頓前往醫院,但是對於不熟悉高科技的老人而言,這類高科技產品的推陳出新雖然造就了年輕一輩的方便,對於年邁的他們卻造成了一種負擔。但若一個居家照護系統只僅限於老人使用,便失去了其居家照護的核心價值,居家照護系統應是一個全家人均可使用的系統。
在本研究中,我們利用Android平台實現一個能夠提供使用者一個較為友善及便利操作介面的機上盒,透過藍芽介面之血壓計、體重計來獲取使用者的生理資訊,除了將資訊顯示在電視畫面上,同時也將此筆最新資料上傳至雲端,供醫療院所登入取用。本研究所提出之系統除了可以做到家庭中的個人健康管理,同時可以提供遠距醫療及院際間資訊交換的功能,並採用了混合式雲端的儲存架構,將最新的資料存在公有雲(public cloud)中,供醫護人員及使用者能夠透過瀏覽器快速得到所需的健康資訊,而較舊的資料則放在私有雲(private cloud),即將取用頻率較低的資料存放在家中的SD卡中,這樣的設計能夠有效降低雲端資料庫所需處理的資料量,提升系統效率。本研究提出了一個實現於居家照護系統,能夠解決過去集中式雲端資料量過載及壅塞問題的雲端架構,能夠有效增進系統效率。
林伯星, 李依蓉(2014)。 設計與實作一基於混合雲架構於機上盒的銀髮族家庭健康照護系統。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(3), 237-242。
A set-top box and hybrid cloud based homecare system for elders
Lin, B.-S., Lee, I-J.
English Abstract As science and technology are getting advanced, Telemedicine has become a prevalent topic in recent years and several telemedicine systems have been proposed; however, to the users, these systems exhibit disadvantages to not fit the daily requirements. Several homecare systems have been proposed on several platforms, such as a system hosted on personal computers (PCs) or smartphones. These telemedicine services are designed to provide a more convenient bridge that enables users to directly interact with medical staffs. Although such designs may seem friendly and helpful, senior citizens might be unfamiliar with and burdened by contemporary technology such as homecare products that constantly change. In addition, if a telemedicine system is designed for only individual use, the core goal of homecare may not be attained. Furthermore, the large amount of information produced from increasing medical data from patients will be a big problem which will reduce the system efficiency and cause congestion when many users access the information at the same time.
In this study, a set-top box integrated with the Android platform to provide a convenient and user-friendly interface was proposed. The set-top box was designed to receive vital data measured from medical devices through a Bluetooth interface. The received information is both displayed on a digital television (DTV) and immediately uploaded to a cloud. Furthermore, this platform can be used to manage the health situations of family members. The platform can also be used to provide telemedicine services and exchange information among hospitals. Thus, a novel, hybrid cloud architecture is proposed in this study. Updated information is stored in a public cloud, enabling medical staffs to rapidly access information so that they can facilitate diagnosing patients. Outdated information is stored in a private cloud, enabling users to efficiently access historical records by using a backend management system. The total data quantity is reduced in the long term, and the efficiency of the database is improved. The proposed design offers a robust architecture for storing data in an elder homecare system, resolving the overloading and congestion problems inherent to a centralized architecture because the data quantity increases and improves system efficiency.Keywords:digital television, homecare, hybrid cloud, set-top box, telemedicine