張國清 黃英修
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中文摘要 本計畫運用視覺隨機共振光刺激增進視覺感受性,並結合適當動作認知難度的「體感復健訓練遊戲」,一方面提高視覺與本體感覺等感覺訊息接受與整合能力,另一方面也兼顧老年人活動與趣味性的需求。本計畫開發的系統對促進人體平衡功能與改善人體平衡功能障礙在臨床研究及訓練上將有重大的助益。第一年計畫主要設計一個頭戴式次閥值的隨機白雜訊LED光刺激器刺激受試者雙眼,量測受試者的視覺誘發電位變化是否會出現非對稱倒U形的增益曲線,以量化隨機共振效應在受試者的感知訊息量與光刺激白雜訊強度間的關聯性,做為後續研究視覺隨機共振刺激對視覺感受性提升的實證基礎。此外,利用電腦設計出三維空間不同清晰度、不同形式、不同移動速度的目標物件,以眼球追蹤儀量測受試者眼睛凝視點位置、凝視點數目、平均凝視時間、平均跳躍眼動長度、凝視軌跡分布和凝視軌跡總長度等,作為評估視覺隨機共振刺激是否有改善受試者視知覺能力客觀指標。第二年計畫利用Kinect開發適當老年人的走迷宮遊戲、拍球遊戲、躲避球遊戲與踢足球等體感遊戲,用於老年人作視覺運動統合訓練、雙重作業認知協調訓練與雙重作業動作協調訓練。在作視覺運動統合訓練與雙重作業訓練的同時,利用眼球追蹤儀量測眼球運動的相關參數,作為評估視覺運動統合訓練成效的依據,並用於分析受試者如何凝視(視覺掃描)遊戲中出現的物件(如障礙物、球),在相關物件出現時,受試者如何依序規畫動作的執行以控制遊戲中所扮演的虛擬人物(如抬腳跨越障礙物、揮手拍球),從中暸解受試者姿勢控制採用的策略。
張國清, 黃英修(2014)。 整合隨機共振刺激和專用的互動式體感遊戲以提高老人的姿勢控制能力。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(3), 265-272。
Integration of stochastic resonance stimulation and dedicated interactive motion sensing games to enhance the postural control abilities of the elderly
Chang, G.-C, Hwang, I.-S
English Abstract Postural instability in elderly people is a major contributor to falls. Stochastic resonance stimulation is a novel intervention which provides potential benefits for enhancing postural control ability of the elderly. Besides, motion sensing games make the elderly have higher willingness and motivation to perform rehabilitation training. However, commercial motion sensing games are not necessarily suitable for the elderly because the type of athletic activity makes older people feel nervous and frustrated. Dedicated motion sensing games used for rehabilitation need to cooperatively develop with physiotherapy scholar according to the requirements of the elderly. The aim of this two-year project is to integrate stochastic resonance electrical stimulation and dedicated interactive motion sensing games with entertaining rehabilitation programs to promote postural control ability of the elderly.
In the first year, we will construct a 2-channle head mounded stochastic resonance visual stimulator. The subthreshold white noise LED photic stimulus will be applied to the eyes of the subject. The relationship between perceptive mutual information of the subject and light stimulus intensity will be quantized by measuring the visual evoked potential in the primary visual cortex. The visual perception has close relationship with eye movement. For evaluating the improvement of visual perception due to stochastic resonance visual stimulation, the eye movement signals will be recorded by an eye tracking system when the subject looks at the objects with different resolutions, different profiles, or different velocities. In the second year, the kinect-based motion sensing training games will be developed including maze game, batting ball game, dodge ball game, and soccer game to increase older persons’ incentive to exercise sensorimotor integration training and postural-suprapostrual dual task training. The eye movement signals, such as fixation point, fixation duration, number of fixations, fixation sequence, and area of interest will also be measured to assess the visual attention function and visuomotor coordinative ability when the subject plays a motion sensing training game.Keywords:postural control, stochastic resonance, motion sensing games