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中文摘要 台灣已邁入高齡化社會,隨著科技生活化與行動化,高齡者接觸科技產品的頻率增高。同時日新月異的設計概念與技術,產品介面不僅更佳輕薄短小,也增添許多複雜的操作介面概念,對高齡者產生莫大的操作障礙與影響。本計畫為接續執行中之研究計畫,以歸納高齡因退化所產生的生理與心理機能問題為基礎,探討高齡者所存有的產品介面操作行為模式,再導入介面訓練的概念,發展可提昇高齡者操作資訊產品介面的訓練方式。
蔡旺晉(2014)。 高齡者產品介面操作訓練之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(3), 259-264。
A study on the product interface training for older adults
Tsai, W.- C
English Abstract The present research proposal is already in process and will investigate and explore the advantages of age-specific electronic product training programs for older adults based on different behavior mode. With a rapid increase of an ageing population in Taiwan, the number of active older adults willing to interact with new electronic products is also growing. The ultimate goal is to develop a set of systematic and iterative training programs that could be used in the development of electronic product interfaces for older adults.
The researcher will conduct phase II of the whole research process and explore approaches in the dimensions of motor, sensory, and cognitive ability relevant to electronic product interactions and described how these could be used to apply to a given training design. The first part research will complete the phase I for a well understanding on the needs and demands under the four targets about the interface knowledge and skill components when considering older adults’ interaction with product interface: (1) the older adults, (2) the product, (3) the environment or context, and (4) the activities and tasks over time that constitute the interaction. The main concern is to evaluate the match between older adults and the electronic product by utilizing various measures of compatibility. The assessment of older adults’ compatibility with electronic devices can be conducted with a number of human functioning levels, including the sensory, motor, and cognitive levels, and finally will develop a capability-demand framework and assessment tool. Based on the predicted outcome, the capability-demand framework and assessment tool provides a useful starting point for training consideration, that is, to start from focusing on ways to relate product demands to the range of older adults’ capabilities.
The second part follows the first part’s research result to examine the phase II on the effects of electronic product interface trainings under a wide range of product training situation including tutorial, type of feedback, amount of practice, training of schedule, and training media contents, that have not been well-explored for older adults.Keywords:older adults, product interface, interface knowledge, skill, training