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中文摘要 本計畫將設計與開發能促進高齡者社交連結之服務模式和能分析社交關係的行動社交平台-Sharetouch Plus。本計畫的發展重點如下:
* 社交行為資料庫建置與服務模式研究:透過觀察現今社群網站科技發展與分析現今社群網站所提供之社交服務和特性,發展出能協助高齡者心理與社交需求的服務模式。透過建立現有軟硬體之通訊協定研發與設定,讓資訊可以順利傳輸與溝通整合,以協助建置高齡社交行為資料庫。
* 行動應用系統規格制定與介面設計:運用現有社群軟體技術,進行系統與平台之整合與標準介面制定,傳輸模式之通訊協定,及設計可以在上面順利執行之加解密演算法。再者,建構容易使用的人機介面,提供最佳的輸入與顯示互動方式,讓高齡者操作無障礙。
* 具社交促進之行動應用服務模式與雲端分析系統:本研究所設計之社交促進平台將以智慧型手機或平板電腦為設備,特別考量高齡者社交需求並導入社交連結與網絡理論於互動功能設計,強調使用者之社交指數分析與檢視社交圈及社交關係,再加上友善與人性化的介面設計,讓高齡者能利用此平台輕鬆無使用負擔地進行社交互動,並達到社交促進之成效。
蔡采璇(2014)。 高齡者雲端社交服務模式與平台建置開發與導入。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(3), 281-296。
Design and development of an online platform and innovative social networking services for older people
Tsai, T.H.
English Abstract The research project aims to investigate the key factors of social connection and interactions between older people and their friends/family. The study is also related to develop a new social platform - Sharetouch plus, which is designed to fit perfectly into the formation of social network and relationship in Taiwan, so that elderly can communicate and interact harmoniously together in an online social platform without difficulties and strengthen their social bond. This research necessitates enhancing the understanding of special needs of elderly users and investigating the principles of social network theory/tie strength theory as design solutions for making a social platform more accessible. Moreover, the area of study is also concerned with validating the newly development platform enable elderly users to engage the benefits of social media and communication technologies, via both user-issue and scientific-based evaluations. The various stages of the project are:
* to conduct a comprehensive literature survey of relevant research article, current trends and social changes, users’ characteristics and requirements when accessing a social network site; to investigate latest information on social technologies, existing development of online SNSs and relevant mobile applications; moreover, to analyze different properties of top social applications, mainly focusing on the formation and evolution of the networks as well as the social interaction over the networks.
* to measure social relationship among the older people, including network size, extent of social interaction, specific type of relationships, as well as instrumental and emotional support; to generate survey to explore how older generations use social applications; and in particular, to investigate older people in SNSs and consider how properties unique to such mediate environments (e.g., persistence, searchability, replicability, and invisible audiences) affect the ways in which the elderly interact with one another; and therefore, to identify influential factors in association with socialization and web accessibility and provide design principles for a social-based interactive platform.
* to develop an online social platform for senior users based on the theory-driven principles and practical experiences; to validate and measure appropriateness and usability of the newly developed social platform on both user-issue consideration and scientific-data demonstration; to identify further research that is required.Keywords:elderly social interaction, social networking site, social network theory, tie strength theory, mobile application, cloud computing