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中文摘要 高齡者可能因為疾病、外傷或生理機能的衰退,造成日常生活動作不穩定而導致失衡跌坐、跌傷甚至致死等意外。這些事故除了使高齡者和周遭親友承受身心莫大的壓力外,對個人、家庭和社會來說,亦需支應龐大的醫療負擔。目前高齡者臨床之跌倒風險評估,多需透過醫、護或專業人員使用伯格式平衡量表(Berg Balance Scale, BBS)工具予以評量,但在實務上因其主觀本質,仍具有跌倒風險判別上的模糊空間。為此,本研究擬從「起立」動作,利用三維測力平台系統衍生之客觀量化參數,透過馬氏-田口系統(Mahalanobis-Taguchi System, MTS)探究跌倒重要因子,以建立高齡者跌倒風險預警機制,進而補強高齡者跌倒風險之主觀評估。
本計畫為接續執行中計畫之研究。為了讓已具失衡徵兆而不自知的高齡者能透過跌倒風險預警機制提示以儘早透過醫護人員施行復健療程,或是使用適當輔具以輔助日常生活,進而預防跌倒傷害,本計畫擬以「起立」動作關鍵點、BBS、動作形態(pattern)及動作性能指標(integrated absolute error)等先期研究為基礎,再執行新型三維測力平台系統設計、高齡者「起立」動作性能研究、高齡者「起立」動作形態研究、三維測力平台系統應用於高齡者「起立」動作之跌倒因子研究,及MTS應用於高齡者「起立」動作之跌倒重要因子研究等實驗研究成果,以做為高齡者跌倒風險預警機制建構依據。期望藉由跌倒風險預警機制的建立,能減少甚至避免高齡者跌倒傷害,使高齡者能延長獨立生活自主性時程,並提昇其生活機能品質與價值。
張志昇(2014)。 高齡者跌倒風險預警機制之研究。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 2(3), 297-300。
A study and design on falling risk warning mechanism for the elderly
Chang, C.-S.
English Abstract For the elderly, diseases, injuries or the deterioration of general physical functions could cause instability in their daily lives. The imbalance could lead to them falling down, getting hurt or even getting killed. Such accidents not only put great pressure, both physically and mentally, on the elderly and their families and friends, but also cause individuals, families and society to bear immense medical expenses. Currently, clinics and medical professions use the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) to determine fall risk evaluation. However, this method is subjective, and liable to lead to a range of differing opinions of the subjects’ general well-being. The purpose of this study is to establish an early warning mechanism for the risk of the elderly falling down. The elderly who show signs of imbalance or are unaware of it may be warned by the early warning mechanism, and go through physical therapy or use suitable aids to prevent injuries from falling down.
This project continues existing research that is already in progress. The results of the pilot study have provided the basis of this research project and will establish the early warning system by the experiments of 3D force platform design, integrated absolute error (IAE) research, pattern research, factors of falling risk research and the research of falling risk important factors using Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS). This study hopes that by establishing and using the early warning system, injuries caused by changing postures can be reduced or even prevented among the elderly, allowing the elderly to extend the time that they are capable of living independently, and enhancing their general quality and value of their lives.Keywords:integrated absolute error, pattern, Mahalanobis-Taguchi System