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中文摘要 在已開發國家中,高齡族群使用網路人數正在明顯的逐年成長。但網路高齡族群數目的增加並沒有影響現在大部分網站的設計,一般的網站設計往往只重視主流使用者,而忽略了高齡族群在使用網路上的不方便,沒有考慮他們在瀏覽網頁上的困難。實際上人們隨著年齡的增加,在視覺、靈活度、記憶等方面大多會有逐年退化的現象,因此網頁設計者應該要特別考慮這些因素,以提高網頁的可讀性與可用性,為高齡族群提供一個友善舒適的上網環境。本計畫特別針對為高齡者所建置之網站作視覺設計評量及修改的可行性探討,將視覺設計原則中之可量化部份及相對關係進行分析、測量與計算,開發評量及修改之方法,使網站設計人員在建置網站的過程中,可藉由評量的結果修正網站之視覺設計與效果,或者可選擇直接依評量的結果做修改。如此可幫助網站設計人員製作出較體貼高齡使用者的網站視覺效果,讓高齡族群有一個友善的網站瀏覽經歷。
王玲玲(2015)。 以高齡者為目標族群之友善網站視覺設計。
福祉科技與服務管理學刊, 3(1), 15-20。
Friendly website design for seniors
Wang, L.-L.
English Abstract In developed countries, the elderly population using the Internet grows year by year. However the increase in the number of older adults who use the Internet has few effects on the site designers. Most site designers pay only attention to mainstream users; they ignore the web accessibility for the older users. For seniors, vision, dexterity, memory, etc. decline with age. Hence the web designers should give special consideration to these factors and improve the readability and availability of the webpages to provide a friendly and comfortable environment for the older users. If there are website tools which can clearly indicate the defect of the site’s visual design, the designer can enhance the visual quality of the site. Therefore, this project aims to develop the methodologies of automatic web evaluation and modification for the sites built especially for seniors by the quantitative analysis of visual features. The website designers, in the process of building a site, can manually correct website visual effects by following the outcome suggestions of the evaluator or, alternatively, by using the modifier to do corrections. The tools will help web designers create thoughtful website visual effects for the elderly such that the elders have friendly web browsing experiences.Keywords:website visual design, elderly population, website visual evaluation, website visual modification, friendly web design